
Linoge and Thirdpower already covered this.

I just thought I’d point out that while this is not a pro-gun message, it is far from an ANTI-GUN message. He’s talking to troubled inner city youth that has become a sad commonality.

“Put The Gun Down” rings the same way you tell people to “Stay Away From Drugs”. No, we aren’t telling you to not take your prescription medication, nor your over-the-counter cold medicine. No we’re not even telling those of you 21 and older to put down your beers. A person recovering from major surgery taking Oxycontin isn’t an issue here, a person looking to get high on Oxycontin IS.

And hanging out with Jimmy the Pot Dealer, or Jonny the Speed-Freak isn’t a good idea either, because even if you aren’t using its going to look bad when the cops kick down the door.

The people Mr. Jackson is talking to SHOULD put down their guns. If they did “Gun Death” would be a rarity in this country.

Now those of us who he wasn’t speaking to, Carry your damn guns…because frankly PSAs like this are feel-good actions that do nothing, and one of these monsters might want your wallet, or think you’re the wrong color for his neighborhood.

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0 Responses to Context

  1. McThag says:

    There’ll still be all the suicides to fill in the gun-death category. They’ll always have that.

    Not that they’d ever admit that the methodology is completely independent of the cause. I guess you have to have had the barrel in your mouth and found a reason to not pull the trigger to see that.

  2. Linoge says:

    Personally, I think this could be a wonderful piece of stealth advertising for us… It does appear to be vaguely anti-firearm, so those “gun control” extremists will have a more-difficult time speaking out against it (not that they will not try), but instead, it actually specfically addresses the problem that is causing the “gun violence” in America – the violence, not the guns.

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