“Gun Death” Monster Set Free

Those who use the metric of “Gun Death” imply that somehow if guns are removed from society things will improve. They never want to talk about how our justice system sets violent monsters free.

A 36-year-old Carpentersville man was denied bond Thursday in the beating death of a longtime nurse in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood.

Harris was on parole after serving roughly half of a 30-year sentence for attempted murder and aggravated arson in 1997. Prosecutors said he broke into a woman’s home, beat and raped her over a period of hours, and set her house on fire. The victim was able to escape.

He broke into a woman’s house, assaulted her, raped her over an extended period of time, and then set her house on fire with her inside. He was given 30 years (In his 20s so even if he served the full bill he’d be out in his 50s) he served “Roughly Half” of it, and was on parole when he killed this woman.

What the fuck did they THINK would happen? Also let’s note that this was in Chicago where guns are difficult to acquire (legally at least), and carrying them is still illegal, not to mention that a violent criminal, and one on parole is forbidden from owning, using, or carrying weapons. Hell the party he was at was probably a violation of his parole.

Yet we have a dead woman and a live monster. Maybe they’ll put him away forever now, maybe they won’t and can you guess what he’ll do when he gets out?

When I go to shooting events where I’m surrounded by HUNDREDS of armed people (at some of these events, armed with MACHINE GUNS) I feel perfectly safe because I know the people are lawful people out to have fun.

Guns aren’t the issue, its the violent monsters that society lets roam unfettered.

h/t Barron

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