Sick Racism In America

The fact that articles like this are even published by sites like The Nation:

A jury has found George Zimmerman not guilty of all charges in connection to death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. But while the verdict came as a surprise to some people, it makes perfect sense to others. This verdict is a crystal-clear illustration of the way white supremacy operates in America.


In the last few days, Latinos in particular have spoken up again about Zimmerman’s race, and the “white Hispanic” label especially, largely responding to social media users and mass media pundits who employed the term. Watching Zimmerman in the defense seat, his sister in the courtroom, and his mother on the stand, one can’t deny the skin color that informs their experience. They are not white. Yet Zimmerman’s apparent ideology—one that is suspicious of black men in his neighborhood, the “assholes who always get away—” is one that adheres to white supremacy. It was replicated in the courtroom by his defense, whose team tore away at Rachel Jeantel, questioning the young woman as if she was taking a Jim Crow–era literacy test. A defense that, during closing, cited slave-owning rapist Thomas Jefferson, played an animation for the jury based on erroneous assumptions, made racially coded accusations about Trayvon Martin emerging “out of the darkness,” and had the audacity to compare the case of the killing of an unarmed black teenager to siblings arguing over which one stole a cookie.

When Zimmerman was acquitted today, it wasn’t because he’s a so-called white Hispanic. He’s not. It’s because he abides by the logic of white supremacy, and was supported by a defense team—and a swath of society—that supports the lingering idea that some black men must occasionally be killed with impunity in order to keep society-at-large safe.

Yep she just called Zimmerman an “Oreo”, Brown on the outside, white on the inside. This is the “No True Scotsman” Fallacy at its most racist!

George Zimmerman was initially portrayed as a “White Male” who shot an unarmed black teenager (no references to fights, cries for help, or injuries to either party), in a “Gated Community”.

To people who are looking for this behind every blade of grass, this was “Old South” Racism.

When it turns out that Zimmerman is of mixed race, and Martin was a violent and troubled teen who was pounding his head into the concrete, well we must double-down! Just because George Zimmerman is Black, Hispanic, and Jewish, doesn’t mean he isn’t a racist white supremacist!

Hell if Zimmerman was dark skinned, maybe he could be called an “Uncle Tom”, or maybe a “House Negro”!

This is amazing, and sickening.

Frankly I’m now PRAYING that President Barack “Trinity United Church of Christ” goes after George Zimmerman for civil rights charges.

The Justice Department said Sunday that it will review the George Zimmerman case for possible civil rights violations, after a jury acquitted the Florida neighborhood watch volunteer in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

As Zimmerman’s attorney cautioned that his client’s safety is at risk, the Justice Department responded to appeals from NAACP President Benjamin Todd Jealous and several lawmakers to keep investigating the defendant….”The Department of Justice’s Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division, the United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation continue to evaluate the evidence generated during the federal investigation, as well as the evidence and testimony from the state trial,” the Justice Department said in a statement Sunday. “Experienced federal prosecutors will [now] determine whether the evidence reveals a prosecutable violation of any of the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes within our jurisdiction, and whether federal prosecution is appropriate in accordance with the Department’s policy governing successive federal prosecution following a state trial.”

You want a REAL and SERIOUS Debate on race in this country. Have the Half-Black President abuse his power of office against a Quarter-Black, Quarter Native-American Hispanic, Half-Jewish man acquitted of all criminal actions, because he doesn’t like the color of his skin.

We deserve lynch mobs at this point, because we’ve been too eager to look the other way on the REAL racism in America over the years.

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11 Responses to Sick Racism In America

  1. The “no true Hispanic” slur “brown on the outside, white on the inside” is Coconut.

  2. JeffB says:

    Let me make sure I get this right:

    A Hispanic man kills a black man, is tried by a female judge and an all female jury, and his acquittal is the fault of white men?

    Got it.

    *face palm*

  3. IanK says:

    The wrath of the bearded one has been incurred, those responsible know not what they’ve done.

    On a side note, I was tempted to put forth ‘potato’ as a potential brown on the outside white on the inside thing. But some potatoes are red, the term is already about insulting the Irish, and most importantly: who would therefore be a yam?

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    This is the Uber-Liberal 20% of the Republic throwing a Temper-Tantrum because THEY didn’t get the Verdict that they wanted.

    What the REAL Problem with Race in America is that the 20% Uber-Liberal Minority have somehow gained control of the White House, the Senate, 4 Supreme Court Justices, various State and City Gooberments, the Unions and the Education System.

    Until we can get the Liberal Elite out of Power with all their Fellow Travelers, we are going to continue to Suffer under their Belief System.

    Remember, we would not have to be talking about Zimmerman at all if the Professional Racists hadn’t decided to “Gin Up” the Shooting. Because 18 months after the local Gooberment decided that Zimmerman committed No Crime, a Jury decided that Zimmerman committed No Crime.

    Keep in Mind this: the Uber-Liberals have decided that “Stand Your Ground Laws” are “RACIST”. This was just another Tactic to advance the destruction of the Second Amendment. Which THEY keep losing Ground in the Courts. And they only Win in those States and Cities which they have already seized Power, such as New York, Maryland, Colorado, etc.

    Because they KNOW under the Obama Regime, there will be ZERO Defense of the RKBA, because that’s why they Anointed Barry in the First place. God Forbid that the DOJ actually prosecutes Politicians who Violate one’s RKBA.

    So look for this Regime to Issue an Edict wherein using “Stand Your Ground Laws” has been deemed “RACIST” and subject to Federal Prosecution by the DOJ.

    You’ve been warned.

  5. Bubblehead Les says:

    Oh, FWIW, if the Martin Shooting has “Outraged” the “African-American/People of Color” Community so much, why aren’t the Cities Burning as we speak?

    Maybe the Professional Racists like Sharpton and Jackson seem to forget that if those Communities were so concerned about Teen-Age “Gun Violence,” they would have burned down long ago?

    Maybe THEY need to look into the “Heart of the Community” and see what the people that THEY so-call represent really feel about this case, and them as “Leaders.”

    But they won’t, because they KNOW that they represent maybe 5% of the Community, and their Days are LOOOONG passed.

    Which would cut into their Wallets and TeeWee Face Time.

    • Volfram says:

      In some ways I wish the cities were burning.

      Do you think we could egg the rioters into getting openly violent on-camera?

  6. Stuart the Viking says:

    I was stationed at MCAS El Toro in California when the Rodney King riots happened really not all that far away. My friends and I who lived in base housing armed ourselves and were ready in case the violence spilled over into our area. Just imagine, rioters vs. US Marines protecting their families. No contest… Luckily, the one carload of dumb-asses that I know of that did drive through were taken care of quickly with no violence.

    Today I live just outside Orlando Florida. My kids live with their mother in Sanford Florida only a few miles from were the Martin/Zimmerman confrontation happened. I was very happy to have my little ones staying with me when the verdict came down.

    The truth is, I didn’t expect there to be much of a problem, but put some plans in place just in case.

    Unlike Volfram and some others I have heard, I am very much relieved that the cities aren’t burning. I’ve seen it (from the sidelines at least), and would rather not see it again.


  7. LMB says:

    “keep investigating the defendant?”

    He’s not a defendant anymore, his trial is done.

    So much for the vaunted “No double jeopardy” rule, huh?

  8. Rob Crawford says:

    The prosecution team has apparently decided to follow their poor performance in court by defaming Zimmerman and issuing their own threats. AMAZING.

  9. Old NFO says:

    Now the claim is the white wimmen let him off… sigh…

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