Some Gun Control Videos

First from a prime example of “Useful Idiots”

Yep sacrificing freedom…from a man who spent years in a Mental hospital. Just liken the Soviet Useful Idiots, those who sing the praise of the tyrant are the first to feel his wrath.

And now a speech from somebody who FELT the wrath of a tyrant:

BTW notice the contrast between the two sides. Taylor notes that he doesn’t know much about the gun laws, or the President’s executive orders…but he supports them! Meanwhile the former Chinese citizen (sorry, I don’t have his name, if you know his name, please put it in the comments!) makes a throw-away joke about the Chinese “AK-47s” actually being Type 56 rifles. That simple joke shows that he’s spent some time learning about the issue, and probably has more knowledge on guns, and gun laws than all of the anti-rights activists combined.

Also he watched his compatriots get massacred that day. Still he doesn’t say that NOW is the time for revolution, and the ball is in our opposition’s court.

Let’s not let it come to that, I’d rather use the soapbox and the ballot box before I need to reach for the box magazines (that happen to hold 20 rounds).

Still those magazines are loaded as I type.

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One Response to Some Gun Control Videos

  1. Deb says:

    The former Chinese citizen is on NES as “June4th”. You could pop back in and say “hi”.

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