Angry Bigots

One of my favorite hate-filled bigots is this nasty shell of a woman She’s from Maine, and essentially has a blog that’s entirely 1 part narcissistic preening and 10 parts frothing rage against the right-wing. (FYI the “Right Wing” is anything she says it is) In the death of Klansman Robert Byrd, rather than speaking his praise (which I suspect she can’t think of any) she just pours on the hate:

Sen. Robert Byrd has died

(….and yes right wing neocon neck drooling knuckle draggers…we know Sen. Byrd was in the KKK, but unlike the current crop of republicans across the nation, Sen. Byrd saw the error of his ways and changed himself! You assholes could learn a thing or two from this man!)

Yep, that’s the best she could do for an Obit. What’s interesting is she doesn’t actually note what Byrd did to “see the error of his ways and change himself”. I mean he DID leave the Klan, but hey, I could let my NRA membership lapse, or just dump it completely, would that make me any less of a second Amendment supporter? I’m not currently certified in CPR, do you think that means I’ll stand idly by if somebody has a cardiac episode when I’m around? (for legal reasons I’ll ask if somebody IS certified, but that’s just for legal, and selecting somebody who might be more dedicated than me…I mean I DID let my C-Card lapse…)

What did Robert Byrd do to affirm that he thinks Blacks, Non-Protestant, and Non-White people are all equal people under the law and in God’s eyes?

Yeah. Something tells me the Senator just hung up his sheets and his torches just to get out of a political nightmare. I mean look at Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court Nomination. Seems there’s a lot of Talk of Ms. Kagan being openly gay for a portion of her life, now she is making claims to be straight.

I must say Occam’s Razor is telling me she’s a Lesbian, and frankly with all the Gay Marriage controversy out there, I think we NEED a gay justice I WANT her to be gay. This would also give me at least SOMETHING to sweeten the deal, I mean Obama is an ultra-left Marxist, his nominees are GOING to be far to the left of me, at LEAST give me SOMEBODY who is sympathetic to gay rights (and maybe hates the war on drugs) so I can at LEAST hope that SOME good will come out of them.

But if I’m correct and Ms. Kagan is in fact Gay, and has been pushed back into the closet by either the Obama administration, or by her own shame (I vote the former given the stories out there, and Obama’s own hatred) she’s doing gays a disservice, as well as tainting her general honesty and good word.

Sometimes I’m just amazed by the left….

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0 Responses to Angry Bigots

  1. mike w. says:

    It’s not as if Byrd left the clan and started championing civil rights & marching with Dr. King.

    He pulled an Obama, threw them under the bus when it was politically expedient for him. (shortly before he decided to begin his political career.)

    A conservative or libertarian who’d been a leader in the KKK would never survive in Congress (assuming he ever got elected) The media would make sure of that. Instead they dismiss Byrd’s LEADERSHIP ROLES in the Klan as “youthful indiscretion and ignorance”

  2. mike w. says:

    D’oh, I should also point out that one of my favorite SCOTUS justice (Hugo Black) was also a KKK Member, but his history as a justice proves that he really DID change his stance. He actively championed for Constitutional Rights of blacks & other minorities as a justice as early as the 1940’s. Hell, he was on the side of desegregation in Brown v. Board of Education and other cases.

    What did Byrd do after dropping his Klan membership? He certainly didn’t establish a long & unambiguous record of supporting the rights of minorities the way Black did.

  3. Dev says:

    When people have nothing but their emotions and convictions to back their opinions, this happens.

  4. Did you see that KKKinsane put up a fake post from you so that she could better shape her particularly bent soapbox to respond to things you didn’t even say? She’s a nut!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Actually looks pretty close from my skim. If she wants to pimp my posts while she makes multiple responses to her own posts, let her.

      Thanks for stopping by, Chicken Hammer. Maybe you’ll stick around if you’re interesting in commenting on rational blogs that don’t play games with comments.

  5. Linoge says:

    Well, the simple answer for that vitriolic, violent bint is that Senator Byrd came nowhere near “seeing the error of his ways”. In fact, I am not even sure he could see the telescope that would allow him to see the error of his ways from where he was standing when he croaked.

    So far as I can tell, the only person with political-ish aspirations and darker skin that he did not actively oppose was Our Glorious President Himself, which really says something about how much Robby valued even his bigotry…

  6. Pingback: Weer'd World » Leaving you past mistakes Behind

  7. Dixie says:

    What did Robert Byrd do to affirm that he thinks Blacks, Non-Protestant, and Non-White people are all equal people under the law and in God’s eyes?

    He drooled on himself and waved a little flag at The Coronation?

    Also, *wow* at the linked blog and her commenters. I lost it at started laughing on the “McChrustal SUX” post. More specifically, when they began praising Gen. Betray Us… err, Petraeus. Dear Gen. McChrystal– this is why most soldiers are registered Republicans…

  8. Pingback: End of the day roundup. « A Dixie Carpetbagger

  9. Vector says:

    And have you seen that Jesus 2.0 ordered flags flown at half-mast for this racist bastard?

    If anything, flags should be flying at mast-and-a-half, for the world is now a marginally better place.

  10. Pingback: Weer'd World » So Much Hate

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