Battshit Insanity

I was going to do a long fisk post on This bizarre screed but frankly when fruit hangs so low it touches the ground it gets all soft and rotty. So just read it yourself.

Not a relevant fact posted…a constant dismissal of anything I said because I called her “Hon” once. (heh) Nice little crutch, and I’m sure she gets a good view from up on that victim cross. Its a wonder why these groups have zero reliance. Still I’ll put one quote up for fun.

11. ” A compromise requires concessions from BOTH sides of a disagreement. Asking for less than what you really want is not a compromise. What concession is your side offering in return, should we agree to background checks at gun shows?” Concessions? What could we offer? Do we have to offer anything? The gun lobby has had some victories of late in the Supreme Court and Congress. I don’t know that they offered any concessions to my side of the issue. If someone can come up with a concession, let me know.

Heh, Guess what “hon”, when your side is loosing, you don’t get to ask us for concessions. You run off the same thought pattern that brought us segregated schools, and bans on gay marriage. Emotional appeal and open lies. As far as I’m concerned your ilk deserves NOTHING from us, and you should be driven back into oblivion for attempting to disarm and make sheep of us all.

But if you ever want to actually start acting like a grown-up, you know where to find me, and maybe at that point I won’t refer to you in a diminutive term.

Read the whole thing, and make sure your jaw doesn’t break a toe as it drops to the floor.

This is what the other side has to offer….can you believe they got as far as they did?

BTW feel free to fisk your favorite in the comments. or drop a link to your blog!

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0 Responses to Battshit Insanity

  1. Dragon says:

    Dude…this lady is completely off her rocker.

    I left a very lucid, thoughtful, and by ANY measure polite post, looking for a reasonable discussion.

    She took one sentence completely out of context, and ignored the offer for civil dialogue, which just shows her to be rather disingenuous. Yeah, she had a family member killed by a whacked out spouse. Of course, she isn’t blaming the spouse…the problem is the gun.

    Unless this lady’s sister was an Amazon, I dare say that if it wasn’t a gun but a knife, she wouldn’t have been able to defend herself. What would the bint be looking to ban then? Any imports of tensile steel, and holding Blacksmiths accountable for the weapons that they hammer out on their anvils?

    She’s nuts. But then again, most of the Leftists in this country are…

  2. Linoge says:

    Number 4 pretty much says everything we need to know.

    The woman, if she is, indeed, the person she portrays herself to be, literally has no understanding of the English language. No one ever accused her of trying to take anything from anyone else by physical force, and yet she blatantly (and possibly intentionally) misinterpreted the comment to erroneously target her. And “societal dreg” does not exactly need a whole lot of explanation, and even if it does, there are these wonderful things called “dictionaries” that would completely explain the basic elements of the phrase.

    The irony is that she is trying to strip us of our naturally-granted, Constitutionally-protected rights by force… to be certain, she will not be wielding the force, but supporting and encouraging other people to inflict that force upon us is damned well the same thing. The blood of force-by-proxy will be on her hands as much as if she had been the one kicking down doors herself.

    The woman has a severe case of terminal victimhood, in that everyone is out to get her, no one understands her, everyone persectues her, everyone hates her, and everyone who disagrees with her is obviously wrong and anyone who agrees with her is obviously right. She is the very frakking embodiment of “the woman with the earrings“, with all of the intellectual and educational shortcomings thereof.

    After a fashion, I feel rather sorry for her, that she has allowed her grief and emotions to overcome whatever semblance of rational thought she might have once had… Rather representative of the hoplophobic movement as a whole, though.

  3. mike w. says:

    Heh, on you calling her “hon” does that remind you of a certain anti-gun bigot I took to the woodshed? I told her she was getting into a “tissy” or something of that nature and she went all batshit insane on some feminist rant.

    These vile bigots are good for entertainment if nothing more.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Bottom line, they claim to want a discussion, but then they look for the saddest excuses to shut down any debate.

      “I’d seriously have a debate, but too many people comment on my blog, and some used bad language so I’ll ignore them all and claim they don’t want to debate the issue.”


  4. mike w. says:

    OK, I got a little carried away with her. I wonder if she actually posts any of my comments. There were quite a few, all respectful, though I did mention her sister.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      “To all who are reading my posts: Mike W. has posted 6 of the most offensive and inane comments yet received by me on this blog. I will no longer post his comments but I will keep them in my files as an example of how rude and perjorative some of the gun guys get while trying to intimidate people about the gun issue. If any elected leader wants to know why they should not believe what they hear from the NRA, Mike is a prime example of the type of hyperbolic rhetoric that should not be considered valid in this “discussion”. ”

      Sad But Predictable, Huh, Mike? Also I suspect those “Files” will be kept secret, lest it expose her cute little double-standard. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  6. Kevin H. says:

    Well, it does show that we should give MikeB302000 some credit. He is, after all, the least irrational and most open to discussion of the Anti-rights side.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I find it VERY hard to discuss degrees of Zero when it comes to antis discussing the issue. Jepete is a paid lobbyist, and blogs for money. MikeB likes comments and blog hits. So he fosters people posting comments (tho he too until recently had moderated comments and would randomly delete or modify comments) but under no circumstances is there an anti-rights advocate who will actually be willing to discuss the validity of an Assault Weapons Ban, or Magazine Ban, or Ammunition ban, or restrictions on Conceal carry, or banning private sales.

      There ARE anti-gun people who know very little about the subject, most of them simply don’t care about the issue, so discussion will bore them. The few that care enough to actually discuss the issue join our side in short order.

      I know many of them myself. Don’t know anybody who was pro-gun who turned otherwise.

    • mike w. says:

      I don’t give MikeB any credit for that. He does it for one reason only. His ego.

  7. Paul Kanesky says:

    She wants concessions?? If we give these anti rights types a concession we would be fools. When they get a concession they use the new position to come back later to get another concession. Keep this up and soon enough there will be nothing left to concede.
    NO CONCESSIONS, now or ever, and we must keep working to eliminate all the previous concessions made over the last 100 years.
    We also need to watch out for their little “straw man” tactics turning the debate from civil rights to demanding our abject apology for offending their feelings.
    Of course you avoided getting in serious trouble by calling her Hon. What would have happened if you were from Texas and called her “Little lady” You see things could have been worse.
    Paul in Texas

    • Weerd Beard says:

      That tactic of theirs is one of the reasons why we’re winning. Back in ’94 lots of gun owning “second amendment respecting” (quotes needed, as they thought they were….but they really weren’t) Americans supported the Federal Assault Weapons ban because the majority of guns in America were hunting rifles and shotguns, and low capacity hanguns like 1911s and Revolvers. They bought the tripe about the AWB banning “Machine Guns”, and understood that the Brady bunch wasn’t coming for their 1911, their M&P, or their Winchester M70.

      Well #1. they found out it was all lies.

      #2. Part of the lies were that they WEREN’T coming for the hunting guns and older handguns.

      They lose!

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