**Update SOLD**
I’m totally not in love my my WASR-10, I kinda expected a lot more from such a popular rifle pattern. I think an FAL would serve a much better place in my armory without any real loss. Its de-greased and cleaned, and comes with two 30 round Romanian Magazines, and a nylon after-market sling. Its shown some feeding issues, but the sights are in very good shape and keep a better group than I expected. Also it has a Tapco trigger that’s really nice.
Everything is 100% Mass Legal, and I haven’t done any Face-to-face transfers this year.
I have about $500 into this gun, not including the time cleaning the grease out of it. I’m willing to negotiate on the price.
Of course I’m willing to trade this plus cash for a metric-pattern FAL (needs to be Mass Legal).
Please feel free to forward this post to interested parties. Offers and questions can be sent to weerdbeard (at) gmail
Thus endith the lesson. Popular != good.
Oh hell yeah! Think of how I feel looking at all these brand new rifles that all eat .223 from STANAG mags!
And FAL instead of M1A, why?
Ergonomics and availability/price, not to mention the after-market parts. Also seems most of the M1As I’ve handled are REALLY heavy compared to how the FALs feel in my hands (at least the light barrels, the HBAR FALs are bricks!)
I guess I wouldn’t sneeze at an M1A at this point, but the FAL just has the edge, and the M1A doesn’t really sing to me….and I’m currently planning to sell a WASR-10 at a loss because it didn’t sing to me…
T-Bolt – Right Arm Of Freedom, baby!
I guess it seems light to me having come up on a Garand.
I’ve never like the WASR’s. The ones I’ve shot seemed much lower quality than other AK platforms I’ve used. Mine’s an SAR-1 model and after I added an extender pad on the stock, it made it much more comfortable.
I have it rigged up as my SHTF rifle since in the last 8 yrs+ ownership, I’ve never had any problems w/ jamming or function.
Ya know Weerd, I have one really big problem with the photo you posted here.
No cock flute?!? WTF??
I don’t know if it would add to the sale….
I’m also in the market for an FAL. You’d have to put up a little on top of your trade, but a DSA FAL (Stg-58 really) would do you wonders. A few of my associates have the 21″ medium-contour barrel DSA with a Trijicon TA55 ACOG on top (with a few other accessories of course). You’ll end up spending almost 1500 on just accessories (if you get a good deal on the scope), but it is more than worth it.
I’ve been doing my research and saving up so I can get pretty much this exact setup.
You will LOVE the FNFAL.
It is the epitome of awesome.
I also love my M1A but it is all I can do just to heft the damn thing. When shopping for the FAL, be sure and include the integrated bipod. Coolness factor increases.
I dunno, the bipod seems kinda mall-ninja for me.
Also this would be a SHTF rifle, so I want it as light and streamlined as possible, so I’m thinking a sling and maybe a mag carrier, but nothing else. Just plain iron battle sights.
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Got an HK91 clone rather than the FAL, and although it eats brass, it rawks. In fact I do have a bipod and an ass big scope on it, kinda like the one Murtaugh dropped Riggs off in the desert with. It’s my hunting rig for if the blue helmets show up on our soil. Got a more regular AK, and aside from the trigger coming undone if I fire left handed, it gives me no complaints.
I can’t STAND the CETME pattern. They eat brass (and .308 prices really do demand reloading…not to mention its already a caliber I reload) the safety is not easily manipulated from a standard firing grip, and that blasted charging handle is an ergonomic train wreck. Worst of all said charging handle needs to be manipulated every time the mag goes dry as there is no bold hold-open on the CETME.
Make my .308 an FAL. (Tho I’d personally REALLY LOVE a SCAR-17…impossible to get in Mass, tho)
I’ll take it off your hands for nothing 😀
Realistically, I’d love to take it, but I have no funds at the moment.
Well keep saving your pennies. I have an offer and we’re working out the details. If this falls through maybe you’ll have enough scratched together to take it off my hands.
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