DGU Security Video

I like videos like this as they help dispel the average person’s view of a defensive firearm use. Its not Hollywood-style gunfights with lots of exchange of gunfire, dramatic death scenes, and dashing heroes.

Nope a woman in a dress firing from a seated position with what looks like a VERY little handgun. I have no idea if she hit the guy or not, but even if she landed all shots into his gut you’ll note he didn’t go flying.

Also good work for her to use the door to slow the robber, it gave her a STRONG advantage. But remember Doors are Concealment, not cover

Carry your gun, it could save your life!

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0 Responses to DGU Security Video

  1. Patrick says:

    And I *really* like the part of “after the murder of another clerk after she complied with everything the robber asked for”. Now the MSM is saying it.

  2. RobertM says:

    A very brave woman, but more importantly she was a person prepared to do violence to an attacker if she was forced to it. Good for her.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      This is why we need to carry our guns all the time. If we knew when the ball was going to drop on us we could be smart enough not to be there (or to bring a small force of Police with us) and then we wouldn’t need anything but defensive long arms for times when there is nowhere to flee.

      We don’t, so carry your gun all the time, that way if you’re unfortunate enough to need it, you’ll have it with you.

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  4. Bob S. says:

    What is up with the beer delivery idiot????

    Just standing around while the thug tries to rob the store. Not calling the cops, not running away, not fighting the thug.

    Greatly disappointed in that. The thug turned his back many times and wasn’t paying attention to the delivery guy; could have easily conked him with something….heck there was a dolly right there that he could have picked up and bashed the guy with.

    I think the woman made the right decision to wait until the thug was in the room before firing and is it awesome she was prepared to do so.

    Now a question for those who want to license, examine, test, and require training; how much training was necessary for her to pull out the gun and fire it from 3 feet away?
    How proficient did she have to be with the firearm to stop the criminal?

    Anything she could have done better would have been just a matter of proficiency not effectiveness.

    Great video (linked to it at my place)!!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      In a VERY meek defense of Delivery guy. Defensive violence (be it with a gun, fists, a pocket knife, or stout object that just happens to be near-at-hand) is something we all need to think about NOW, when we’re relaxed and safe, not when we are staring grave-danger in the eyes.

      So in a meek defense of the delivery guy he probably thought “It can never happen to me”, and when you get proven wrong in such a brutal way, it may be VERY hard to function.

      That being said, there is no excuse for him not to be thinking about what he would do if the ball dropped for him.

    • Jake says:

      Re: The delivery guy. If people won’t intervene to stop a grown man from beating a 2 year old child to death so badly they had to use DNA to identify him, why do we expect that anyone will intervene to protect an adult? Unfortunately, it seems most people really are sheep. Whether that’s just most people’s nature or due to the “violence never solved anything” claptrap that’s invaded our society for the past few generations, I don’t know.

  5. Pingback: Defensive Gun Use (DGU) caught on video « Curses! Foiled Again!

  6. Dev says:

    Well done, I enjoyed this.

  7. Linoge says:

    About the door, everyone in that shop is damned lucky that the idiot criminal thought the door was cover as much as the shop owner did – a few rounds through the lower portions of it would have ended this stalemate a lot faster, and in a significantly less-agreeable fashion.

    That said, good on the shopkeeper for carrying, good on the shopkeeper for having the will to use it, and good on the shopkeeper for actually using it. I wish she had packed something a little larger, but any gun beats no gun, and whatever holes she created or did not create seemed sufficient to discourage the assailant.

  8. Jake says:

    I wish she had packed something a little larger, but any gun beats no gun

    Agreed, on all counts. I wonder if that’s just the biggest one she can practically carry while working.

    I wish I could carry my .45 all the time, but even though it’s fairly small for a .45 semi-auto, it’s just too big to be practical at work. My .380, on the other hand, is small enough it’s practically invisible, so it’s something I can keep on me at all times. It’s smaller than I would want if I ever actually need it, but it’s better than nothing.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Got a .38 in my pocket because its 100-and-hot outside, and while a cotton button-down shirt conceals my 1911 well enough without adding heat-adsorbing bulk, “Well enough” sometimes isn’t enough for me.

      Also while society at large might be better off if this creep drained out on the floor, I’m 100% content with the end result of him going away and nobody innocent getting severely hurt.

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