Gun Retention Fail

Found this hilarious video on the Failblog youtube channel:

Not only does the security guard look like a total ass, and not accomplish his goal, but his bell obviously got rung so hard he ends up leaving his damn gun on the floor.

Of course this dude is of the ever-ridiculed sect that is “Rent-a-Cop” (AKA: Private security guard), I think this illustrates rather comically why you should carry a gun, because you can’t trust the hired gun (be they a Private security guard, or be they a “real-deal” cop or soldier) to be there to save your life…let’s face they’re only human, and frankly we don’t pay them enough to expect it!

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0 Responses to Gun Retention Fail

  1. Linoge says:

    What the flying frak was he responding to, and what the hell did he have his gun in?

    Goddamned, it is not like those little gateguard thingies did not have the universal “no touchie this direction” emblem on them. The only good thing to come out of this may be that he is a Darwin Awardee…

  2. Thomas says:

    You get what you pay for…Those guys don’t get paid much. Some of my friends and acquaintances over the years have been or are miscellaneous ex-military and tactical-oriented LEOs, but they guard individuals and homes and HIGH END stores/industrial installations. Reckon most stores figures they get the best bang for the buck having a Barney Fife around to discourage shoplifting and accept some “shrinkage” than pay 150k or more a year per security guard to get “real” security contractors. Friend of mine just got offered 25,000UKP for two months of supervising armed response security in Cameroon on an oil project. Your local grocery store isn’t going to spend that much money because they wouldn’t lose that much stock even if they had no security at all, wouldn’t ya say?

    Run of the mill security guards are sort of like locks and laws…they’re designed for honest people. Criminals don’t pay much attention to them.

    Speaking of bumbling security, long ago when I was in high school, I was in the guitar shop. Was common to take the price tag off of something up to the counter, rather than the item, to pay for it at the register. Fellow pocketed the price tag off of a 1200 dollar Mesa Boogie amplifier, went up to the counter and bought a couple sets of guitar strings with no mention of amp, and proceeded to pick up the amp and walk out the door with it on his way out of the shop as if he’d just bought it. Nobody even noticed for a day or two… Now THAT’s security, or perhaps a reason that stoner metalheads might be good instrument demonstrators but perhaps not the most aware people on the planet?

  3. Lissa says:

    So much fail, so little time. The Only Ones cool enough to go ass-over-teakettle and leave a gun behind, to boot. D’oh!

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