Quote of the Day

This one comes from buddy RuffRidr. Won’t link the quote, but let’s just say a certain troll is throwing his shit at the wall and hoping something will stick. A good technique if you’re a stupid as said troll. His latest crusade is attempting to claim that people are shot more often than reported because the gunshot wounds go undetected. Yeah pretty thin! Ruff brings the snark!

This is shocking. I wonder how many other people don’t know if they have been shot or not. Come to think of it, sitting here I do not know whether I have been shot or not! Some serious dollars need to be thrown at this situation, pronto!

Maybe we could classify this as a new category called “Maybe Shot, Maybe Not”. I’ve got a theory in it’s infant stages, but it basically gives an approximation on how many people out there that are “Maybe Shot, Maybe Not”‘s. I call it the More Famous 100%.

Maybe its not as funny to those who don’t read this troll’s blog, but that is SERIOUSLY funny!!

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0 Responses to Quote of the Day

  1. DaddyBear says:

    Maybe a lot of people are being shot with .25’s and haven’t realized it yet? Or is this some Schrodinger’s cat kind of thing? You have both been shot and not been shot until you check to see if you’ve been shot?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah that’s the story that started all this talk.

      Of course we get one of the great anti-gun contradictions from this. Like people who carry defensive guns are paranoid….but we need to ban guns because if we don’t there will be shootouts at every street-corner.

      Guns are super dangerous and should be banned….but maybe the statistics don’t support our cause because so many people have been shot but weren’t even harmed enough to notice.

      Fools the lot of them!

      • Jennifer says:

        You know, I’m thinking if you can get shot and not know it, it probably wasn’t such a terrible experience for you. I would think the reactions would be more of a “Huh. Didn’t see that coming.” than an “Hurry! Ban the item that caused this slight irritation that I didn’t even notice for 5 years!”
        Maybe that’s just me.
        Besides, not it has been reported so they can count it in their pointless numbers of gunshot victims. One more to add to the falsely inflated numbers.

  2. Bob S. says:

    It’s that pesky freedom thing.

    Let’s see which I would rather put up with

    A.) The rare and unusual case of someone being shot and not noticing it.


    B.) The not rare and all too usual case of someone being raped/mugged/murdered because they were deny effective means of self defense.

    It’s not a hard question to answer — freedom entails risks — let’s make it possible for people to defend themselves, eh?

    The current statistics evidence shows that as the number of people owning firearms grows, as the number of people carrying firearms grows — actual death and injury due to firearms is decreasing.

    The anti rights advocates treat everyone else as incapable of deciding how to protect themselves. I say everyone else because certain trolls made the decision to protect themselves even if they had to own firearms illegally to do it.

  3. Reputo says:

    Perhaps we should start doing strip searches at the airport/bus station/school/government building/etc. to look for gunshot wounds that have gone undetected so far …

    • Bob S. says:


      With the new backscatter vans driving around, we don’t have to do strip searches.

      Once again, the government to the rescue — they’ll tell us when we’ve been shot and don’t know it.

      (By the way, I’ve done my share of drinking before — 4 years in the Air Force and more as a civilian — but I’ve never been so drunk I can’t remember getting hurt or how I got hurt.

      Considering the levels of Blood Alcohol Content I’ve reached in the past — just what level does a person have to reach in order to be shot and not know it????)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Don’t tempt them! They’d LOVE it!

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