Quote of the Day: Easily Convertible

As certain as death and taxes, when Joan Peterson of the Brady Campaign, Million Mom March, and Joyce Foundation opens her mouth, she will say something foolish:

So the problem with having these type of “grenades” available is that they could be made into devices that can explode and cause serious damage. One wonders why the casings are even for sale anywhere.

Brett Responds:

An inert grenade casing is no more or less capable of being made into an explosive device than a $1 length of copper or aluminum pipe purchased from your local hardware store.

Among other common things. And of course Joan seems to think that somehow the grenade housing is somehow prohibitively difficult to make, compared to say the explosive, fuse, and primer. Of course this further exposed the anti-rights nuts total ignorance of the world around them.

Other anti-rights dorks like to justify things like the “Assault Weapon Ban” because it bans guns that are “Readily Convertable to Full Auto”. Can semi-auto weapons be converted to full-auto? Yep. Is it easier than say building a Sten submachine gun from bar stock and sheet metal? Nope.

Essentially they want to ban EVERYTHING….but we all know it means everything THEY don’t use. See Leftists like their BBQ grills and Gasoline, which are actually dangerous, but they don’t use de-milled Grenades, so those should be banned!

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0 Responses to Quote of the Day: Easily Convertible

  1. alan says:

    You have to be 18 and jump through hoops to buy a gun in most places but they’ll let anyone buy a few gallons of gas.

    A thoughtful person can do far more damage with a few gallons of gas than you can with a gun.

  2. bluesun says:

    A thoughtful person can do a lot of damage with almost anything. A thoughtless person can do a lot of nothing with anything–stuff might happen but it’s unintentional. And a complete idiot is just plain scared of it all.

  3. Linoge says:

    A person with access to the internet, chemicals commonly stored under your sink, and chemicals and materials commonly stored in your garage, can kill hundreds more people than a person with a hand grenade, or even a person with a firearm… And yet all of those chemicals and materials are available to pretty much anyone old enough to stand upright and engage in commerce.

    Laci’s continual hangup on the “readily convertible” definition regarding anything even remotely resembling “assault weapons” never ceases to amuse me… 1. They are not. And 2. the BATFE abandoned that broad interpretation after getting their peepees slapped a few too many times. If all it takes is replacing one piece, your ass is probably going to hang. If it takes significant machining, drilling, and so forth (like it does with all non-NFA-regulated not-really-“assault-weapons”), you are golden.

    But, there I go assuming that being a lawyer indicates a rudimentary degree of literacy… And apparently the Brady Bunch is not above hirigin literal morons, either…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah Laci’s pontifications of the law keep me scratching my head. Is that how he rolls in court, just keep playing the big lie and hope that if he repeats it enough the jury will believe him? Or maybe intimidate people who must be either REALLY stupid, or REALLY lazy into an out-of-court settlement? Or is he just that stupid?

      Seeing as most of our public officials have law degrees, I’m more willing to bet on stupidity.

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    Dear Joanie, which do you consider more deadly? A plastic semi-auto Pistol carried openly on the streets, or the following items: an Oil extract, processed Fertilizer, Food Safe Blue Water Barrels, and a Hybrid Prius all stored at a University? Okay, you got me, you smart girl. Diesel and Ammonium Nitrate mixed well, placed in a Blue Barrel, stored in the back seat of a Greenmobile, parked next to a Political Science building on a College campus will kill more people than the Glock on a Cop’s Duty Belt ever will. Remember Oklahoma City? Don’t think McVeigh ever got to use an Assault Rifle to kill all those people, now did he? Frackin’ Moron.

  5. Rauðbjørn says:

    Excerpted from a post I made a couple of years ago.

    In response the Brady “Anti-Terrorist/For the Children/Change You Can Believe In” Campaign will restrict any-and-all explosive material as Anti-American and subversive as well as dangerous. The following year no person will be allowed to own anything that can be used to “fabricate a firearm, ammunition for a firearm, or accoutrement for a firearm” outlawing; metal, wood, plastic leather, natural and artificial fibers, sewing machines, electricity, power and hand tools, 2/3rds of the periodic table (including oxygen), and hands.

    Thus ends civilization. With no way to do anything that might be dangerous to anything, mankind devolves to his earliest state.

    Eatin’ bushes.

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