Rules of Engagement

Joe has a great post up on dealing with anti rights activists.
Long Quotes behind the cut

I realize it is sometimes very difficult but it is a waste of time to argue with them. They are no different than those that wave the Confederate flag and claim, “The South will rise again!” They no different than the “Truthers.” They are no different than those that want to relive some critical point of WW II and have the Germans come out on top and complete the “Final Solution”. They are no different than those that cry and whine, “God damn, God damn, what is this God damn country coming to that the niggers have got guns, the niggers are armed and the police can’t even arrest them!”

Let them beat their dead horses by themselves. They are irrelevant to both the present and the future. Spend your time on the real front rather than on conquered and fully occupied territory.

Go read the whole thing, Like most things Joe pens, its worth all the time it takes to read.

That being said, I don’t know if I 100% agree with him. But I do agree with his clarified position in the comments:

I didn’t say he shouldn’t have been engaged. Just move on after he keeps beating the dead horse.

This post was inspired by Japete’s Blog we talked about here Now I agree with Joe that we should make an effort to engage an unknown anti-rights blogger when found, but we should be VERY wary of how such bloggers operate. Read this post by Mike W I can think of over a DOZEN anti-rights bloggers who have compleatly fit this discription, and it seems more keep popping up. The amount is staggering, so much that I simply assume that any person who posts how wonderful gun-control is going to be a closed-minded biggot who will look for any way to play games with the comments, or move the goal posts to feign victory. I will start out polite and simple, but as soon as the bigot emerges from the shadow instead I seek out quotes like this to expose them.

t is so beyond belief that I can’t even comment about your son. Good luck with that. I hope he never uses those guns on anyone or hurts himself or someone he loves.Kids and guns don’t mix. Why does your son need to live in an “armed camp” at home? Does he have a life outside of guns? Does he spend time with friends or a girlfriend or does he go to football games with his friends? Or is he so afraid to go outside of the house that he doesn’t have a social life? It’s scary out there at high school dances, football games, basketball games, etc. You never know who’s lurking in the shadows!

Yep, Jepete is so bigoted she can’t imagine a person owning a gun AND being a normal human being. How sick is that?

Not to mention that Jepete is dancing in the blood of her own sister Barbra Lund who was murdered along with her boyfriend by her estranged husband in his house with a lawfully held firearm…and because of this we need to ban assault rifles and private sales of guns, and restrict people who are on the “Terrorist Watch List”. Of course Jepete is actually Joan Peterson of the Brady Campaign (Poison Link to her profile here) So her bigotry and insanity actually IS the face of Gun Control.

That being said is there more value to show “Progressives” as the hate-filled anti-rights bigots that they are? I mean how much support can you garner for your political ideology when you can get quotes like this:

Why don’t you start your own blog dedicating your every minute to going after the slave owners you deem as evil while ignoring how the whole entire Country Club Party (the republic party) loves slavery!

Or This

Well, I knew it would only be a matter of time before fuckface brought a few of his asshole friends around to give him some amoral support. you people really are pathetic. You hate unions, you hate people who aren’t so afraid of life that they have to have guns in their hands to ward off the ravening hordes.

You’re all poseurs. You’re nothing but a bunch of silly fucks who think you’re real men. I’ll take my soft-hearted lefty friends over you chickenhawks every day of the week.

Nice try, dickheads–actually, no, it’s pretty sad that you lame fucks think that you have anything to say here.

Or this classic:

While what Joe says is true, you’ll get more accomplished in the long run working to get people who support your causes elected, and funding Political Action Committees that support your causes, as well as doing your own grass-roots activism, and hell running a pro-rights blog to show the world how good your cause is….It would be hard to deny that these bloggers are poisoning their own water, and exposing bigotry to sunlight can certainly grease the wheels of change!

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0 Responses to Rules of Engagement

  1. George says:

    Man, if Mike W.’s son drives her batty, what would she think about my niece?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well the “mike” (of which there are 7 hojillion on the interwebz) is a “Mike B” but not THE MIKEB (as in 302000, Its ok for me to own guns illegally, just nobody else *duhhh*)

      Mike W. of Another Gun Blog, is Sans Childrens (which is just fine as he’s younger than me, and I’d be otherwise jealous of him!)

      She’s your niece? I’ve been using Oleg’s photos of her to scare bigots for YEARS!!

      She must be a foot taller these days!

      FYI my Nephew is bugging the heck out of me to take him to the range. I’d have done it ages ago, but he lives in Vermont, and his Mom’s a big-league anti (tho showing signs of logic) so we’re gonna have to do some planning to get that bird off the ground.

  2. Blackhawk101 says:

    I am that Mike B that posted. Here is my reply which I doubt will get approved:
    Hi Mike here- I hope in fairness you will let this reply through as you have with my other ones. To answer your question my son is completely normal and certainly does have a life outside of guns (guns are a small part of his life). He plays paintball, is a black belt, plays for his high school soccer team, has been accepted to a college, has many friends (who tend to hit my house like locusts leaving empty cereal and piza boxes everywhere). Girlfriend- not right now- he just broke up with his long time g/f but has decided he doesnt want a relationship when he will be moving like 1500 miles away from school. And- LOL- no- he is not afraid to go outside at all.

    I view a gun as a tool that requires training. As I have told him I can go my whole life, never draw (let alone shoot) on someone, and I’d be a happy clam. Like 99.9% of the gun owners out there we are not sitting in a dark room waiting to pop the first person who knocks on the front door. It’s a tool that can be used for fun (target shooting and competitions) or in the gravest extreme to make sure the good guy has a fighting chance to come out on top.
    I view his ownership of guns as a means to protect himself and his loved ones from those who have a more criminal bent to them.

    Actually none of his friends even know he has guns (or that I have them). His biggest complaint right now is that he cant get his CCW until he is 21.

    But anyway- I know you are Joan from the Brady Campaign (i.e. the anti-gun group that no longer has any meaning- you have no membership left and are peddling what is left of your member list to the highest bidder). As such anything I say will probably not be met with any essence of understanding. I’d like to end by saying the most pro-gun people I have met have been the anti’s that have been victims of violent crime, felt powerless, and decided they would never feel that way again. I personally have turned an easy dozen plus anti’s over to the pro side and got them through their CCW programs, etc.

    Take care!

    ANd here is a pic of my son taken by Oleg:

    The wife- also by Oleg:

    Got a pic of my kid holding the UMP and Gremlin too…

  3. Blackhawk101 says:

    FYI- she decided my response wasnt worht posting.

    Can someone please explain why virtually every pro-gun blog allows people to post without having to be moderated but EVERY anti-blog I’ve been on requires screening?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Because Pro-gun people value truth. If somebody posts a lie, you can debunk it and call them on it.

      Meanwhile if your position is that of dishonesty, there is NO way the truth can ever help so, so it much be suppressed.

      There are a few anti-freedom blogs (not so many specifically anti-gun) that allow comments….but they simply ignore the truth. Pretend it doesn’t exist, or dismiss the author.

  4. Caleb says:

    Dude, I am so glad you linked to that post, because I had completely forgotten about it. I just received 10 minutes of epic lulz by revisiting that particular incident.

  5. Dixie says:

    Why don’t you start your own blog dedicating your every minute to going after the slave owners you deem as evil while ignoring how the whole entire Country Club Party (the republic party) loves slavery!

    Yes, damn that Democrat Lincoln for freeing those uppity slaves! And damn that Democrat Eisenhower for introducing the Civil Rights Act in ’57– thank God that good ol’ Republican LBJ shot it down! And kudos to the godfather of the GOP, Wilson, for re-segregating the civil service… and he gave a good review of Birth of a Nation, too!


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