The Power of Stupid

Seem the Nanny State is hard at work telling people how they should raise their kids.

Ronald McDonald isn’t smiling.

On Tuesday, San Francisco became the first major U.S. city to ban restaurants from offering a free toy with meals that fail to meet certain nutritional guidelines. Happy Meals must now be healthy meals.

You’ll see they define “Healthy” with the magic numbers game. Above 599 Calories for a meal is Dangeorus and unhealthy, But 599 or Below is 100% fine, ect ect. How as a society we’ve gotten to the point were this doesn’t reek of bullshit is beyond me. The perfect rebuttal is right in the article:

McDonald’s, which has come under fire in the past for offering free toys with children’s meals, opposes the measure, saying parents, not lawmakers, should decide what kids eat.

If your kid wants to eat at McDonalds there’s a simple word for you horrible parents to learn: “NO!” Just say “NO!” don’t go whining to the legislature that Micky-Ds needs to ban burger and fries because your kid eats there 3x a day and weighs 300lbs in the 3rd Grade!

Hell my Mom keeps a bunch of my old toys in a toy box in case friends with small kids come by. The toy box is pulled out, and the kids amuse themselves while the adults visit. Works wonderful, the wife and I have been scouring cheap toy sales for the exact same idea. In that box are a few Happy Meal toys from my youth. Must have been something special for me to save it all these years, right?

On top of that, here’s a story that shows how stupid the law is. When I was in High school a few friends and I stopped by a McDonald’s for a quick bite one of my friends thought one of the happy meal items was cool and asked if he could get one without buying a kid’s meal. The person behind the counter told him all the toys were also FOR SALE. Yep, you can walk into a McDonald’s right now, and order JUST a Happy Meal toy, and walk out without consuming a single calorie.

So McDonalds, just drop the price of your Happy Meal, and like when you say to the big kids “Would you like to super-size that?” ask “Would you like to add a toy to your meal?”

All “Progressives” if they could manage to make any progress I might have to type their name without quotes. 🙂

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0 Responses to The Power of Stupid

  1. Bob S. says:

    Under the proposal, restaurants will be allowed to offer free toys or other treats only with meals that contain fewer than 600 calories, fewer than 640 milligrams of sodium and less than 35 per cent of calories from fat.

    My wonderful wife had a great suggestion for Mickey D’s —

    Simply sell the toy for X dollars and with every toy you get a free Happy Meal.

    and it quickly illustrates just how stupid the law is.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oh, that’s like my little “loophole” but shaped like a middle finger!

      Your wife is AWESOME! How’s she feeling BTW? Mine is out-and-about without her eyepatch and cranking out 9 hour days again, and coming home tired, but all smiles, and friggin’ keeping me up late watching Jericho. (Great show BTW, if you haven’t seen it)

      • Bob S. says:

        SHLMMHCEM is feeling fair. Wish there was better news, other then chemo is now 2/3rds done.

        Mostly very minor issues (slight headache, tummy issues, very little nausea) but lots of fatigue.

        Other then that, she’s going and doing just at a reduced pace. Working 4 to 6 hours a day, usually at least 4 days a week.

        Taking it easy to make sure she doesn’t get exhausted.

        Glad to hear your Missus is out and about

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