Tools They Use

Eck! liked an interesting article on Propiganda

Filene and his colleagues identified the seven most common “tricks of the trade” used by successful propagandists (Marlin 102-106: Propaganda Critic: Introduction). These seven techniques are called:

* Name Calling
* Glittering Generalities
* Transfer
* Testimonial
* Plain Folks
* Card Stacking
* Band Wagon

These techniques are designed to fool us because the appeal to our emotions rather than to our reason.

Really interesting read. Go have a look, and see if the stuff you read sounds familiar.

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0 Responses to Tools They Use

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    The Obama ’08 campaign in a nut-roots-shell.
    Name Calling = “Racist! Teabaggers!”
    Glittering Generalities = Hope and Change
    Transfer = “It’s George Bush’s fault” and other strawmen
    Testiomonials = Organizing for America
    Plain Folks = Confused, Angry, Bitter-Clingy!
    Card Stacking = SEIU, Astroturf, ACORN voter fraud
    Band Wagon = “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for!”

  2. Eck! says:


    Works both ways. I’ve pulled the BS rope on all of them. They all do it but do we all realize that?
    The difference between propaganda and advertising is often unnoticed or ignored as that brand
    of soda is one we like.


  3. Linoge says:

    And, of course, we must not forget the “Intimidation through the implied threats against employment, families, and so forth,” as Weer’d is now aware… 🙂

    Granted, those seven tactics basically boil down to intimidation in one form or another, but there are also more… direct methods.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Hey, if you can’t win fair-and-square your choices are “Cheat” or “Switch to the Winning Side”

      Why they’d take the route they did. It was no fun when I switched sides, but I would be impossible for it to be as bad as the hell they have crafted for themselves!

      • Linoge says:

        At this point, there is no way for them to switch sides. Even if they were to acknowledge the facts of the situation, their pride and supposed self-worth would prevent them from even considering that they had been wrong in the past…

        Compartmentalization – it is a wonderful thing!

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