View from the Other Side

So here’s something Amusing that popped into my head. Appears that MikeB302000 anti-rights blogger, and troll extraordinaire made a two-week trip from Italy to the Jersey Shore.

While he was gone he decided to make Jadegold (no link needed, either you know him or you don’t) his blog partner to make posts during his vacation.

You know what came to mind when he came back? He never once mentioned meeting up with any of his blog buddies!

Jade lives a long, but doable drive from where Mike claims to be staying, but they didn’t even think about meeting half-way? Better yet, “Laci the Dog” and her insane owner live even closer. Laci has been commenting on MikeB’s blog for AGES and Mike is one of the few people allowed to comment at his blog.

Meanwhile when I went to the NRA Convention, JayG and I rented a car and drove down. (I’ll note that while Jay and I live relatively close, we met online through blog traffic) I didn’t want to break the bank so I emailed Mike W. and asked if he wanted to split the cost of a Hotel room with me.

While down in NC I spent most of my time with other people who blog about guns, and met some very famous people And the NRA even gave us exclusive access to some Hollywood Guns just because they respect the blogs.

On a smaller scale, Jay organizes a blogger shoot and a few dinners every year that people come from as far away as New York and Connecticut for, and sometimes even further. While I was working the convention I was talking with Elmo Iscariot about grabbing a bite to eat while he vacationed in Maine. Sadly I really didn’t have the time, too bad. Breda Has a post up where she went shooting with another blogger. And on a larger scale there is the annual Gun Blogger rendezvous

Isn’t that sad that the other side doesn’t have this? I mean they hardly have the numbers. You could probably list the number of dedicated anti-gun blogs on one hand and have fingers to spare, and even those don’t make posts very frequently. They don’t have conventions, there’s no such thing as “anti-gun shows”, really all they have are protests and even those aren’t very impressive

Not only is being anti-rights the wrong thing to do, its a negative and anti-social lifestyle populated by people who don’t really like ANYBODY, let alone compatriots of their own cause.

They’re a troubled lot, no wonder they’re loosing ground at an alarming rate!

Oh, and I’m just sayin’

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0 Responses to View from the Other Side

  1. Newbius says:

    Don’t forget that Wai and I drove down just to meet Breda and Alan and you guys. What’s 300 miles between friends?

  2. Bob S. says:

    And what do the antis teach children that pro-rights advocates don’t?
    How to panic at the mere sight of a firearm?
    Hypocrisy at keeping your own firearms while advocating handgun bans (Wadaduga)?
    Calling for strict gun control laws when the already strict gun control laws didn’t stop you from illegally owning firearms? (MikeB302000)

  3. Lissa says:

    And what do the antis teach children that pro-rights advocates don’t?

    That they — children and parents both — are morally superior. No?

    Some of the nicest, kindest, most courteous and friendly people are in my phonebook purely because of gunblogging.

  4. Linoge says:

    After far too many years of dealing with them already, I have come to the conclusion that anti-rights nuts are, by and large, hateful, distrustful, small-minded, and intolerant… even of their own kind. There are, of course, exceptions, but when one author of one weblog literally flew halfway across the world to be within just a scant few hours of the other author of the weblog in question, and neither of them even thought to try and arrange a meeting, that is, indeed, warped.

    Not only have I driven six hours in one day just to meet up with a whole passel of people I hardly even talked to on the intertubes beforehand, I have flown across the country just to spend a weekend with folks I loosely knew from their webpages. I wonder how many anti-rights nuts can say the same… As always, this is just another reason why we are winning – we have the society, they do not. Must suck.

  5. Pingback: Weer'd World Β» Being a Gunnie is Fun

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