We Can Totally Trust Them?

“Peterson says supporters of such legislation are often painted as people who hate guns, but she says she’s not anti-gun, anti-hunter, or anti-anyone’s rights. She and her husband own guns and come from a hunting family. They keep the guns locked in a metal safe.” -Joan Peterson, Brady Campaign.

“His intent, and the intent of the gun lobby, is clear. They are going to fight for their vision of anybody being able to have any gun anywhere in America, all the time. And I believe the courts will continue to reject that vision and endorse sensible restrictions, short of complete handgun bans, that save American lives.” -Paul Helmke, Brady Campaign

So the Antis keep telling us they aren’t coming for our guns, and bans are off the table. But can we trust them?

Here you’ll see Joan Peterson praising The Justice Breyer interview seen here.

Woah, if Heller and McDonald are the Bees Knees and prove the point that the Brady Bunch and the Joyce Foundation were NEVER after gun bans…..well except that both groups were against the Supreme Court before they were for them….and well the Brady Camp was once “Handgun Control International”, and the Joyce Foundation group Violence Policy Center is always singling out various guns as “Too Dangerous” and demanding bans.

If Heller and McDonald were good rulings, why sound so happy at the words of the dissent? Sounds like the Pro-lifers when talking about the missteps of Roe v. Wade. I mean the pro-life camp does want to ban Abortion, I don’t think they’re very ashamed of it, and they want that ruling overturned so they will have the freedom to do so.

How about this post? “What’s natural about gun rights?”

Wait, Heller and McDonald are good rulings that take gun bans off the table, but they also recognized the 2nd Amendment as an individual right…AKA a natural right.

And in the comments to that post Joan says this:

And I choose the right to be safe from gun violence by not wanting criminals, domestic abusers, etc. to legally have their guns and wanting gun owners to store their guns safely so they are not stolen and education so that children do not gain access to loaded guns and for everyone to admit that guns are lethal weapons that get used in every day incidents to kill innocent people more often than they get used in self defense.–Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to me means a life free of gun violence as much as possible.

Hmmm, the law makes in illegal for criminals, and domestic abusers to have guns. If people are negligent in allowing their children to get harmed, or dangerous people access to dangerous implements that’s already illegal (and doesn’t need to specifically be a gun) She says she supports education…but doesn’t actually support or offer any classes to be taken, and is against safety training courses given by the NRA. And she wants us to admit that guns are used to kill more innocent people than are used in self defense? Well that’s hard, as it isn’t true. There isn’t a concrete Self Defense number, but every study has found the number to be above unless it was the study cooked up by Joan’s organization that made every effort to discount self defense, by not counting woundings, or instances where no shots were fired, and only counting self defense INSIDE the home.

So its all lies, but we can trust her? Also she doesn’t like
“Assault Weapons”
“Sniper Rifles”
“Armor Piercing Bullets”
Private Sales
Sound Suppressors
And thinks FFLs are selling guns to the Mexican Drug lords, and Gangs.

But we can trust her not to ban our guns or infringe on our rights.

I bit Ironic when he calls the pro-gun people and the NRA simple minded, and not interested in engaging in debate when he’s giving the speech in a room filled with Like-minded people, and the video is posted on a youtube channel that doesn’t allow comments or rating of the videos.

Hmmm, People like Helmke don’t like comments on their blog.

Joan allows comments, but she hap-hazardly deletes the vast majority of them, and the ones she publishes, she rarely actually engages or addresses.

“Nonsense” “I don’t agree with your logic” “I don’t understand” “You’re scary” “Nobody thinks that” ect.

But we can trust them not to ban our guns, right?

Sorry, Hon, The Brady Campaign, and the Joyce foundation are gun ban organizations, and are populated by a very small number of people with what can only be likened to religious fanaticism, and are EXCLUSIVELY liars.

You say you don’t want to ban my guns…but you make no effort to prove any such thing.

This entry was posted in Freedom, Guns, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.

0 Responses to We Can Totally Trust Them?

  1. One of the comments today said that she sounded like two different people on posts and on comments. She’s already said that she does a lot of cut and paste. Do you think that some of the posts are coming from on high and she is cutting and pasting some sort of internal memo/talking points sheet?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Oh yeah, she’s 100% Brady Boiler Plate, and she won’t answer a single question because the Brady’s don’t. The best she’ll do is respond with more boilerplate.

      I doubt its even internal memos, it’s probably the weekly newsletter we can all get by signing up for it. I had it for a while but it disappeared. Likely they did a search for weerdbeard (i used the blog email go me!) and decided I wasn’t the drone they were looking for.

      Still it also could be she is very calm and methodical about cooking up her posts….but she can’t hold back the rage when reading the comments (Can you imagine how many she must get?) and comes off as the REAL Joan Peterson…

  2. chiefjaybob says:

    Every time I read something of hers, whether I find it on my own or read it on somebody’s blog, I think of the old Iraqi Information Minister under Saddam Hussein: Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf. He’s the one who said, “There are no American tanks in Baghdad,” just as tank rolled by behind him. Rule number one of the great propagandists: If you keep repeating a lie, people will begin to believe it. Followed closely by George Costanza’s corollary: “It’s not a lie if you believe it, Jerry.”

    • If you keep repeating a lie, you yourself will forget it is a lie. It becomes your cold hard fact, even if you made it up. And you will keep repeating it with the conviction that it is an absolute truth.



  3. Bob S. says:

    When I carry a firearm in public, I’m promising that I want use it to the detriment of society.

    Anti-gun advocates don’t trust me.

    But we can trust them not to ban our guns, right?

    I’m just returning the favor when I read one of them promising not to ban firearms.

  4. Pingback: 3 Boxes of BS » Blog Archive » And the answer is….

  5. I say they’re not coming for our guns. And by coming for them, I mean a knock on door and a combat unit sayin’ to turn ’em over. But how they’re coming for ’em then? By megarestrictions on new purchases by new gun owners, and on current gunowners who wish to sell off personal property. Megarestrictions on parts and ammo, as well as transportation.

    You have to realize that when they say *common sense*, it’s what *they* want. *They* don’t comprise. And if there is any *middle* ground to be had, *they* will claim they were bullied by the big bad gun lobby.

    And who are these *moderate* gun owners they claim to have no problem with their suggestions (aka agenda)? Well, obviously they’re the same as FUDD’s. So that’s a no brainer.

    You have to realize, that by not going in line with their goosesteppin’ they will consider you/us as extremists. Bryan Miller is a perfect example. You can go along with him 99% of the time, but that 1%, and he will brand you a gun lobby extremist.

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