Why I Carry

AztecRed has a longer video of the nut in Panama City Florida.

First up my hat goes off to William V. Husfelt, III who is the guy with the mustache who keeps the nut talking, and attempts to offer himself, and to the other woman (I don’t know her name but she also deserves praise) who attempted to swat the gun out of his hand with her purse. A good idea, but it was unsuccessful. Also given that when he knocked her down he had his gun pointed right at her I suspect the only reason why she wasn’t shot was because he seemed to not want anything to do with women, and ordered all women to leave.

Contrary to reports he was NOT using blanks, and simply missed with every shot fired. Also not only is the Panama City School Board meeting hall a gun free zone AztecRed points out that the nut was a convicted felon and had done 4 years (sentenced to 5) in Prison.

So I commend the board members who acted and kept their wits about them during the incident, in the end if you watch the video it appears that the only reason why all the good guys went home that night was because of a combination of #1. The fact that the nut’s #1 target was himself, #2. He was a terrible shot, and #3. Pure Dumb Luck.

These are all factors that were 100% unknown to the board members, and not something I want to trust my life with.

It was an armed school safety officer who engaged the nut and diffused the situation (The nut did take his own life, but I suspect from the video I can see I suspect the Officer saved innocent lives that day)

Gun-free zones simply leave good and brave people pleading to the barrel of a gun, because prohibited people will ALWAYS find a way to get arms. And of course from the “Gun Death?” files, you’ll see that they don’t NEED a gun to end your life.

The people who propose gun control say their motivation is to reduce “Gun Violence” and “Gun Death” (of course they need to use that bogus method, because many cases overall violent crime and homicide rates GO UP when criminals are protected by restrictions of defensive arms) but how does that gun control look to you?

You have a man prohibited for life from owning or carrying a gun, who was carrying a concealed weapon without a valid Florida permit, into an area where possession of a firearm is illegal. On top of that we have hostage taking, criminal threat with a deadly weapon, and attempted murder of at least two people (tho you could argue more).

If one or more of the board members, or people watching the meeting had a personal firearm might this have ended differently? Maybe not, but this guy pointed a gun at another man’s head and popped off several rounds while the man who already proved himself to be braver than most pleaded for his life with his hands in the surrender position.

This is why I carry, and carry everywhere I legally can. I also want to expand where I can legally carry. The criminals don’t care. Hell in the video the nut remarks that he doesn’t believe the Safety officer has a gun…thankfully he was wrong, tho in many schools the security is unarmed, I suspect the criminal took the gun-free zone status of the school was taken into account.

I carry everywhere because I don’t want to beg for my life while looking in the wild eyes of a maniac.

How would you feel if you were sitting on that board and looking down that muzzle?

Also what would you do if you were in the auditorium and carrying? What if you were carrying but you were one of the people he asked to leave?

I personally can’t comment definitely, it depends on my angle, as I would think twice about engaging him if the board was directly down range of me, tho the room had amphitheater seating so a elevated position might give you the floor as your backstop, also given that this guy obviously jerked the trigger something fierce as his second shot went into the ground at a distance of a few feet, so an elevated position from the shooter isn’t a bad thing.

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0 Responses to Why I Carry

  1. wow. they all remained much more calm that I would have. Good thing that the School Board meeting was in a gun free zone. Someone might have gotten hurt!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      VERY impressive. To get in a gun fight with a purse is amazing, and to openly take responsibility for the grievance to hopefully get others to safety while increasing his own personal danger took amazing will and strength.

    • RuffRidr says:

      Check out these comments from Ginger (the woman who hit him with her purse) and Husfelt (who tried to talk him out of the shooting). They both sound very distraught at being so helpless and defenseless. Once again, well intentioned laws do nothing to stop the shooter and do everything to stop the victims from defending themselves.

      I was concerned about my guys. They were lined up like ducks in a row. He was already basically standing on the same level as them. I knew something bad was going to happen. That was my only option … my guys had three-ring binders and pencils for protection, and that’s all.”

      “As Ginger said, we were defenseless,” Husfelt said. “The only thing we had, the only thing we could possibly do, was buy time … he had us. He could have sat there and picked us off.”

  2. Pingback: Weer'd World » A Little Light Music

  3. Pingback: On the Florida Schoolboard incident | walls of the city

  4. ZK says:

    Presumably there’s video of the actual gunfight that ensues right after this video ends. I’m curious if we’ll ever see that.

  5. Pingback: Florida School Board Shooting Round-up « Curses! Foiled Again!

  6. Pingback: Weer'd World » End of the Florida Shooting

  7. Pingback: Weer'd World » Bigotry Expanded

  8. Pingback: Weer'd World » Great Video

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