Wow I Missed This One!

Same Jerk

Reality-show pitch:

(1) Require all gun-permit holders to enter the National Quick-Draw Contest.

(2) Pair them up in shootouts.

(3) Survivors move into the next round.

(4) Repeat (2) and (3) until the gun problem is solved.

“If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.”

Right. But then you simply declare open season on the people who still have guns, and the cops will mop them up in no time.

Wow Kinda reminds me of This asshole

And as for you, you want to comment on my board when there are more than enough places filled with your crap: Go away and shoot yourself! Put all those guns you have to good use by exterminating yourself.

FYI Laci Admits to being a Member of 10:10, the Eco-Fascist group that thinks people who don’t agree with them should be murdered.

Seems that the other side seems to have the violence problem.

And you wonder why I carry a gun?

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0 Responses to Wow I Missed This One!

  1. mike w. says:

    Wow, apparently I really hit a nerve with Laci / MikeB huh? That post is a year old and I never noticed it, but Laci’s definitely referring to my exposing his bigotry and violent nature in this post.

    Why do I carry? Because violent bigots like Laci and this jerk would like nothing more than to see me dead or otherwise harmed.

  2. bluesun says:

    Okay, aside from the pure wrongness of that suggestion, exactly how do you think he would get anyone at all to actually go along with it? When people assume that I’m a moron because I accept responsibility for my own safety, well, let’s just say it makes me feel less responsible for their safety. In a threeper kind of way.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      My guess is since he has such fantasies about killing others, he assumes we’ll just jump at the opportunity to shoot eachother to bits on live TV.

      And since the whole Self-Protection idea is so forign to them, we must own guns because we want to kill people.

  3. Chris in Texas says:

    Why is it always someone else doing the eliminating of us heathen gun owners?
    Why is their cry never “let’s kill all these racist, moronic, etc bastards ourselves!”
    Why do their fantasies always involve either forcing us to kill ourselves, or having the police do the “mopping up” for them? I take personal responsibility for preventing my own destruction, why can they not take personal responsibility for causing it?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Because they don’t want to die for their ideology when there are others they can order to die in their stead.

      Not like Stalin or Pol Pot, or Mao were very hungry while their people starved!

      • Chris in Texas says:

        Ahhh, yes. I thoughI remembered something from “Interesting Times” about this:

        “I know about people who talk about suffering for the common good. It’s never bloody them! When you hear a man shouting “Forward, brave comrades!” you’ll see he’s the one behind the bloody big rock and the one wearing the only really arrow-proof helmet!”

  4. Newbius says:

    It is called “projection”. They wish us dead. Their violent rhetoric belies the truth behind their pacifist facade. I wish no ill to them, until and unless they try and disarm me. Then, I intend to stop the threat to my safety in the most efficient manner possible…repeatedly.

  5. Scott McCray says:

    Poor wittle fellow got all skeert and pulled his post down. He’s all butt-hurt claiming:

    “Your orchestrated effort of personal attacks, libels and death threats has forced me to remove this article.
    The Second Amendment is fully intact. The First… not so much.”

    Epic Moonbattery…

  6. Eck! says:


    First ignore the sockpuppet, it’s so typical of a troll.

    As to the other guy, I’m glad he’s non-gun as that kind of thought process means bad things could way to easily happen. To be responsible means being able to think things through and that was obviously missing on his part. His pulling down comments, who went up to him and forced him to? LIkely no one. Thats not first amendment it’s cowardice claiming censorship.


  7. Sarah says:

    Err…the reason they don’t want to “take care of us” themselves? WE HAVE THE GUNS.

  8. Borepatch says:

    Stay classy, lefties!

  9. Linoge says:

    Murderous? Check.

    Bloodthirsty? Check.

    Violent? Check.

    Lacking the spine to actually engage in that violence? Check.

    Yup. He will fit right in amongst the crowd of anti-rights nuts on the intertubes…

  10. Pingback: Bigots and Haters on the Left. « Freedom Is Just Another Word…

  11. Pingback: Weer'd World » I think he may need a lesson…

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