A Retort

BTW as an addendum to this post I got thinking about the talking point that Gun Owners and 2nd Amendment activists think “Every problem can be solved with a gun”.

Again show me the anti-rights activists who were “Solved” with gunplay.

Oh, another lie?

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0 Responses to A Retort

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    What’s Silly is the concept that is in their minds that NO Problem can EVER be solved with a Gun. Maybe they should ask the Seals if a “Letter to the Editor” would have eliminated Osama Bin Laden?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Saddly it got destroyed by the blogger-boom on Friday the 13th but Joan Peterson actually dismissed the defensive shooting by Ms. Assam at the New Life Church in Colorado because the shooter had already started shooting.

      Ms. Assam saved lord-knows how many lives (the guy was better armed than Cho at VT, so one might make a reasonable guess that there might have been another 30 dead and countless wounded had he not been engaged) but its dismissed.

      In the defensive shootings where somebody stopped a serious crime from happening, they dismiss that as having a potential peaceful solution, or maybe it was murder covered up by the “Gun Lobby”.

      So yeah they don’t see there EVER being a valid reason to own a gun except for the wealthy elitist pass-times enjoyed by the denizens of the Police State where Great Britain used to be. Skeet, and hunting on estates, maybe some target shooting…that all sounds fun, so long as poor minorities can’t do it!

      • Braden Lynch says:

        You provide unflattering, but accurate insights into the “logic” of the anti-rightists, i.e. that guns are ALWAYS BAD.

        As you identified, in their warped view, if a firearm is used to stop a crime in progress then it “failed” because it did not deter the crime in the first place. They will never look for or admit to the innumerable times firearms prevented or stopped violence. Their imperturable logic for the anti-rightists allows them to ignore evidence by misclassifying it to suit their world view.

        I think it goes so far that they weep for the death of the evil one who attacked the innocent, and ignore the danger and harm for the later. Think how they venerate Mumia Abu-Jamal. To have such moral blindness or moral equivalency is disgusting. They will not raise a hand to defend themselves (and want us in the same boat with them so as to not highlight their deficiencies), but instead demand the government/police do their dirty work for them since they are so civilized. Elitism and cowardice in one ugly package.

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