About that Twitter Account

Seems that publishing personal information about political opponents as a way to intimidate and silence them is against Twitter’s terms of services.

Serves the shitbags right! FYI I believe its also against Facebook’s terms of services as well, if you happen to be somebody who still has personal information up on that forum.

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0 Responses to About that Twitter Account

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    If you have avoided the face-eating monkeys and don’t “do” Facebook, how would you know they were outing you? You can’t go see those pages, can you?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      sure can, CSGV has an open page. As do most of the anti-gun groups

      dunno about if they can have stuff behind the curtain too for only vetted “friends” (not like antis can have friends) but certainly I can see personal information on various bloggers and compatriots over on their page, as well as various bits of slander.

  2. Linoge says:

    Trust me, I have filed harassment complaints with Facebook as well, and have heard nary a response back. *shrug* Things like this take time.

    Also, it probably will not surprise you that CSGV is now lying about my behavior in relation to this incident… unfortunately for them, it is all-too-easy to point out their fabrications.

    And finally, their Facebook page is readable by non-likers of the CSGV, but only people who “Like” it may comment on it – Reasoned Discourse, at its finest. Written defamation, however, is libel, not slander ;).

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I always get those libel v Slander things confused, its really all the same to me. Lying to defame and cause harm is really all the same in my book.

      Also the whole “Going Underground” or simply feeding stuff to the memory hole is a fantastic admission of guilt.

      We haven’t changed anything in our actions, but their side consistently does, and it speaks volumes about their actions.

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    Well, since I totally avoid Facebook and don’t Twitter I guess I’m missing a few data-channels in my noise-feed. But I’m glad that you guys have been successful in this!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Heh, I’m with you. I have no use for Twitter or FB and have an account in neither. That being said I’ve been watching them recently just because of all the goings on.

      Good blogfodder and all!

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