Just thought I’d share. The USS Constitution is legally a Federal Building, so the carrying of firearms is a federal felony on board. Ironic given its namesake.
Thankfully the neighboring museum and the USS Cassin Young are just National Parks, so I had plenty to do.
Good times.
Well, actually, she is still considered an Active part of the Fleet, unlike other Historical Ships out there. So, technically, the DOD and Navy Rules apply. When I was in, any Civilian trying to get aboard my Command with a Firearm (unless Pre-Approved, like NIS/NCIS) gave me the responsibility to respond with Deadly Force, if necessary, and use my issued weapon for Topside Security (usually a 1911a1) and prevent such entry. But this was the R.O.E. under Reagan, and I don’t know what the Anointed One has sent down the Chain of Command. But it’s probably “Harsh Words Only,” knowing those Idiots in D.C.
To be strictly accurate the USS Constitution is actually a US Military Installation. Therefore you could carry as long as you you were a DOD employee or had a note from the OIC.
Oops, Les beat me to it.