Another Hurrr-Durr

Because its fun. First Stupid Kay was talking about the Suez Canal in Egypt. I Corrected her and told her the Canal in Egypt was the Panama Canal. She took the bait!

Ummmm, no dummy it’s not! But hey, we know where you get your “FACTS” from: FOX NEWS! Let me guess…you also believe every Canal Street in the nation is connection to the Panama Canal too?

Her and one of her lap-dogs go on long winded statements about the Suez and the Panama Canal. I link the story above, whilst laughing my ass off. She didn’t approve the comment from moderation, but she did put up this laughable response.

Chris Matthews made the same mistake, but quickly said, “Suez!” shortly thereafter. Notice how the troll didn’t come back to acknowledge his mistake? Oh wait! The heathens never admit a mistake! Nevermind.

Heh, first go back and watch the movie, you see Chris correct himself? Oh delicious irony.

One more from Say Uncle.

Dumbass Lefty walks around a staged room showing magical “hiding places” for drugs and guns. When pulling a Revolver out of a pillow he points it at his own face. Classy.

Not to mention he seems to be unaware of what the 1st Amendment (Maybe you were thinking the 4th?) actually talks about in that US Constitution you’re supposed to uphold.

My goodness the opposition is stupid! There are lots of them them too because they keep voting these bone-heads into office!

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0 Responses to Another Hurrr-Durr

  1. This man is not overburdened by an abundance of education.

  2. Bob S. says:

    Man wants to remove the illegal guns from the streets but seems to be willing to leave the criminals on the streets.

    Not one mention of locking up the people carrying the illegal guns.

    You’re right about the “1st Amendment” comment, he says it twice.

    And did you get the impression that criminals will watch it to see how to better hide their stuff?

  3. bluesun says:

    Weer’d, didn’t you read the signs that say “Don’t feed the bears”? You’ll make them dependent, and then when you stop feeding them, they won’t know what to do and starve to death!

    …oh, wait…

  4. Linoge says:

    You are an evil, evil man, you know that? Trolling mentally-deficient liberal zealots is just not nice! 😉

  5. Bobby says:

    How did he help to get “illegal” guns off of the street? Also….I think he’s breaking the laws by possesion of a weapon during the commision of a drug crime?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      He got guns off the street by TALKING about it. The bottom line is irrelevant after what’s in your leftist heart!

      Also I suspect Five-oh was there supplying him with his lovely props.

  6. Paul Kanesky says:

    If he is the best and brightest in his district, I woould hate to meet the dim bulbs that elected him.
    Oh I have a question. What is an “Illegal” gun? Does this gun run around breaking laws?
    Paul in Texas

  7. TJP says:

    Oh my God, Weerd, what a treasure. That is four minutes and fifty seconds of comedy that Hollywood could never top. I’m ripping the frames and audio now.

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