Carry Your Damn Gun!

Go over to Jake’s and read the latest on the NY Pharmacy Massacre.

This was NOT a “Robbery Gone Bad”, this was a sick individual gone out to kill a bunch of people and then collect some drugs for dessert.

I’ve have some prescription medication for my Asthma, and when my allergies were much worse it was a big deal when that inhaler went dry. My wife used to (thankfully no longer) take anticonvulsants to control her epilepsy. There were a few times where things got cut a little close and I, like the departed in this case, was at the pharmacy counter while they were still opening up the shop. This easily could have been me. This could have been you.

Also there is nothing about this case that warrants killing anybody, he murdered them because he wanted to. So this isn’t about pharmacies, it isn’t about robbery. I suspect this case may have been a gang initiation, or maybe just another freak feeling like killing somebody.

While Gun-Free zones like New York and Boston are hot-beds for this kind of wanton criminal behavior, we all remember what happened in Tuscon. We don’t need to live in fear, but we DO need to be aware that the world is NOT a safe place.

Carry your gun, you never know when you might need it.

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0 Responses to Carry Your Damn Gun!

  1. Jake says:

    Thanks for the linkage. 🙂

    Yeah, at this point I’m 99% sure he walked in that pharmacy with the intention of killing anyone who was there. No gun-control law would have stopped this, and who died was governed entirely by chance.

    Like I said before, trusting that someone willing to commit armed robbery won’t kill you if you comply is like a mouse trusting that a cat won’t kill it because the mouse let the cat use it as a toy. The end result depends entirely on the cat’s whims, and the mouse doesn’t know what will happen until it’s too late.

    And carry your gun!

  2. Eck says:

    Call it snark or just bitchyness.

    Maybe we should ask Colin Goddard what those people should have done to survive? After all he claims some kind of expertize, or luck!

    Me, arm up, it’s about time. And that part of LI is not NYC and carry is possible there. Glad I don’t live there any more.


  3. Braden Lynch says:

    California is bad enough, but I will never live in New York.

    The stupidity of their “ruling elite” is undeniable.

    Too bad the “Mayor” was not in the pharmacy at the time with his body guards. That might have driven home the point into his small brain that guns can save lives.

  4. Old NFO says:

    That is why I won’t even visit there…

  5. MAgunowner says:

    “Carry your damn gun!” is good advice. After all the hassle and expense it took to get my restrictions removed, I still don’t carry it enough. And every time I walk through the dog park past a group of Jackson Square youths smoking weed and trying to turn their lives around, I think of what a good idea it would be to have my damn gun.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’m curious, what keeps you from arming up?

      You never know when the ball is going to drop, and certainly I’ve been in a “Safe” environment that has suddenly turned VERY scary on a few occasions.

      Certainly its too much work here in Mass to NOT carry without a good excuse.

  6. Pingback: Another NY Pharmacy Robbery | Weer'd World

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