Carry Your Damn Guns!

So I’ve been reading a bit on the massacre in Norway. I’m not going to hash into too much because #1. I don’t have a lot of details, and frankly #2 I really don’t care. Call be cold, but frankly the people of Norway made their bed here.

It seems the bulk of the deaths was some nutburger disguised himself as a police man, went to a crowded swimming area with a bunch of guns, and just started spraying fire into the crowds.

One thing comes to my mind. Fish in a Barrel. It took close to an hour before the Police arrived by one account I’ve read. People were running, swimming, and hiding from this guy. And a huge number of them died or were wounded.

Why? Nobody fought back. Guess what, if some nutball starts shooting YOU ARE NOW DEAD. What are you going to do before you die? You gonna try to hide under your desk and pray, or are you going to tempt fate and try to kill the attacker first.

Of course this is much better if you have a knife, club, or a gun of your own. We all know what I prefer.

Still this case, and the Mumbai attack, not to mention all the street crime in places like Chicago, New York, and LA that more-or-less ban gun ownership, show that all the gun control in the world isn’t going to stop evil people from getting guns. But what gun control DOES do is when that jerk DOES sneak under the radar, they will be a GOD able to chose who lives and who dies for whatever time it takes for the Police to arrive.

Carry your damn guns! You just might save a life other than your own, and certainly the tendency of freaks to pick gun-free zones for their attacks, carrying your gun may indeed get a few creeps to think that maybe their master plan is a REALLY shitty idea.

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0 Responses to Carry Your Damn Guns!

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    As I’ve posted elsewhere, one Determined Citizen with a J-Frame could’ve stopped the Slaughter before the Body Count got too high. But I know every Anti-Gun Politician, including the Anointed One, will use this as an Excuse to go after the 2A.

  2. Old NFO says:

    Or pick up a damn rock, a stick, SOMETHING and fight back!!! Geez…

  3. alcade says:

    I heard on the radio this morning the shooter faces a maximum of 21 years in jail.

    I sincerely hope that I heard this wrong, but in these enlightened European countries, nothing really surprises me.

  4. Actually, I think because of the heinous nature of the crime, he might face up to 30 years in prison. The every passive Norwegians not only have no death penalty, they have no life in prison without parole.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      As I said above, they made their bed. I can only concern myself with MY country’s safety problems, If I worried about all the other nightmares of “Hey it looks good on paper!” policy implementation, I’d never get a wink of sleep!

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