“Gun Death” Officer Down

A scary story of an Officer and her daughter killed by her own son.

A veteran San Diego police detective was stabbed to death in her Rancho Peñasquitos home early Monday, and responding officers found her son sitting calmly outside as his naked teenage sister was dying from stab wounds on the sidewalk nearby.

The son, Brian Rockwell Williams, 24, was arrested without incident and booked into jail on suspicion of two counts of murder, San Diego police homicide Capt. Jim Collins said.

Note that in San Diego generally the Police or those who are connected can carry guns. Still no matter what you have if you killer lives under your roof. Of course this is also a multiple murder that isn’t a “Gun Death”. Still I think this is the most telling detail:

A large kitchen knife, believed to be the weapon used, was found on the front lawn, Collins said.

Who doesn’t have a large carving or chef knife at home? I imagine that’s most. There might be a few houses that only have paring knives or maybe the odd mis-matched steak knife, but if you know your way around the kitchen, or have a family you probably have a bunch of kitchen knives, and maybe one giant knife if anything for just chopping a watermelon in summer.

Now let’s expand that even further down the anti-freedom fear-hole. How many houses have guns in them? Handguns? So-called “Assault Rifles”?

How many houses have gruesome multiple murders? The idea that guns cause crime or even “Gun Crime” is as foolish as the thought that playing violent video games, or watching violent films…or to hop in the way-back machine, Dungeons and Dragons, cause violence crimes. Really when you look at all the homes that have deadly weapons in them capable of mass murder, you quickly can see that tools really aren’t a limiting reagent.

Now look at homes that have severely mentally ill people, or people with a history of violent crime. Hmmm now that seems to make some sense.

h/t Whipped Cream Difficulties

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