Casey Anthony

On Casey Anthony, I don’t care. Its a show trial on a bunch of fucked up people who likely killed a little girl.

Haven’t followed the details, don’t want to, can’t make me. Maybe she’s innocent, maybe she’s guilty. Most likely they picked some of the dumbest people around to serve on the jury. Shit like this happens all the time in every state. Sorry this is nothing new.

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0 Responses to Casey Anthony

  1. alan says:

    That’s part of that better to let the guilty go free than put an innocent person behind bars.

  2. McThag says:

    My wife had the best come-back ever associated with this.

    Someone actually asked, “What about the children?” in relation to this trial.

    Wife said, “They’re dead. That’s why this is a murder trial.”

    As for me? This is one of the clearest cases of “nobody I know or care about” I’ve ever seen. I didn’t care three years ago when the kid “went missing” and nothing in the intervening time has changed my feelings.

  3. alcade says:

    It’s also not a “gun death,” so we can put our minds at ease.

  4. Having sat in a few jury pools before not being selected, it’s amazing how many dumb people are filtered out. Neither side, nor the judge, wants people who can’t understand what’s going on. That leads to mistrials and no one really wants that.

    Just my $0.03 (accounting for inflation)

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