Collin Goddard back at it!

He was on a satellite radio show out of DC hosted by two guys who have Air America as a big part of their resumes. The interview is in two parts found here (show dated on the 17th).

Again a lot is the same from the other interviews you’ve heard, I don’t fault Goddard on this, I’ve been interviewed several times on how I became a gunnie, and overall the story is just a repetition. Each new show is a new audience, so he can’t expect the same people to be hearing the re-run of his story on that day. I will also note that the consistency of his telling of the VT shooting does imply that it is indeed the story as he remembers it, not that that has ever been in dispute.

Of course in 2 segments they take ONE call (Seems like the talk format for right-wing radio is to take lots of calls, and do minimum screening, yet on the left it seems to be a token add-on) and the guy’s points aren’t all that strong, as he mostly talks against the NICS check system about foolish flaws. Goddard admits that NICS is flawed, so at least we have that. Still the call ends with the host losing his temper and claiming that Collin was shot because Seung Cho didn’t undergo a federal background check. Collin makes no effort to correct this egregious error. (!)

What got me the most was how coached the hosts sounded. Not sure if they were working off an outline or they had discussed the interview before air-time. Collin spent most of the interview talking about private sales. Of course he only talks about what is LEGAL with private sales, and never seems to mention what is ILLEGAL (like knowingly selling to somebody out of state, or to a criminal). For those looking for ammo, Collin admits that family-member private sales should be exempted from universal background checks. That might be worthy of a clip-and-save if you’re into such things.

Still suddenly there was a ham-handed segue to “What if you are a suspected terrorist?” You have to hear it to believe how amateur these guys sound. Of course they go back and forth about how unreasonable this is, but they’re all just patting themselves on the backs, and ignoring that the Terrorist Watch List is full of people who aren’t terrorists, and there are lots of terrorists who aren’t on the list. In other-words the list is worthless, and certainly shouldn’t be used for anything and concrete as the denial of rights.

It also appears that Collin is done promoting Living For 32, as he’s only asked to give a brief word about it at the end of the interview.

I know very little about satellite radio, and NOTHING about this show, I wonder how many ears this interview reached. Certainly all the interviews given to Mr. Goddard the hosts have been openly anti-gun and all questions asked were simple interview questions, and never anything that might actually spur any debate or discussion.

Again we see that the Antis are forced to hide in the shadows. Their positions are so indefensible that they can only discuss it with their own kind in closed forums.

Meanwhile pro-freedom activists are out there and available. Says a lot about a position, doesn’t it?

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0 Responses to Collin Goddard back at it!

  1. Linoge says:

    Huh. I was wondering where he had gotten himself to these days… Good to see that he is doing nothing more than parroting the same old tired, nonsensical lines, all over again!

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