
Borepatch has a creepy post up on the ease of hacking on-board computer systems for cars.

Since the earliest computer systems were locked inside the car there really wasn’t much need for security, but now will cellular and bluetooth technology found in most autos, and those systems not being separate from the operational components of the car its apparently VERY easy to hack in and create mischief.

This strikes me as the similar stupidity that involved the Y2K Bug. The pioneers of the industry took some shortcuts that were irrelevant at the time, assuming that the next generation would simply patch their little oversight when it became a problem.

You know what happens when we assume?

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0 Responses to Creepy

  1. JD says:

    Why was the first thought I had when reading your question was ” a politician gets it wings?”. . . . I don’t know, making an ass and politician just go together in my head I guess. . . .

  2. DaddyBear says:

    Yeah, you get COBOL programmers who are still employable 40 years later.

  3. Borepatch says:

    DaddyBear FTW!

    Remember, the only way that the Lord could create teh entire heavens and earth in only 6 days is that He had no installed base to support …

  4. Alpheus says:

    Yeah, I know what happens when you assume: you become a mathematician. And mathematicians get to ignore the real world (unless they want to get out of academia AND feed their family…)

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