Creepy And Cool

Live Crab Vending Machine? I don’t really get it, as I never buy anything from vending machines, but if it works that’s pretty cool. If it doesn’t who do you bitch to if you get a dead crab from a machine?

Certainly less creepy than the Japanese machines that sell britches and smut, but a bit cooler than the live-bait machines that I have actually used.

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0 Responses to Creepy And Cool

  1. bluesun says:

    They should put these in elementary school cafeterias. The possibilities for hijinks and shenanigans are nearly endless!

  2. Dwight Brown says:

    There used to be a few places around town that had those claw vending machines.

    Except where the toys would go was a tank of water. And instead of toys, you had live lobsters.

    I always wanted to try that, but never got around to it. And they were also somewhat restrictive on what you could do with the lobsters; you had to have them prepared in the kitchen on site, and couldn’t take them home with you.

    (I wanted to put a silk ribbon on mine as a leash and take it out for walks. Spot the reference, win a pile of merdre.)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah not a good idea. First up, most people will squash a spider, a cricket, or a fly if they find one where they don’t want them, but suddenly get grossed out when people kill lobsters. Same difference, just bigger, trust me.

      Still one must be careful when handling live lobsters as they can drop claws or legs if handled improperly. I’ve seen the flunkies at the grocery store do it…I just ask him to toss the claw in the bag if I’m going to cook the bug that day. You can’t do that with a claw machine.

  3. Linoge says:

    And what exactly does one do with a live crab…?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      If this was Vicious Circle I’d say “Fuck it!” 😀

      I assume they cook them up fresh. Still I have no real idea, as big a seafood guy as I am, I can only eat Crab in the smallest amounts. The flavor just doesn’t set with me, unless its with a LOT of other stuff, like crabmeat stuffing, or some crabmeat in a quiche.

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