Face of the Opposition

Alternate title: “We’re Winning”.

Go over to Oregon’s witless Joyce Shill and have a look at that picture!

I love sharing my story and my mission to reduce gun violence, but the unpleasant weather kept most people away from the market today.

Hey Baldr, looks like there’s some decent traffic at the booths BEHIND you. Hmm, maybe they just don’t have much of an interest in the anti-gun Joyce Shill with the 7th Grade science fair poster. They probably also can see through your foolish paid lies. Still this story made me sad:

One person selling decorative nightlights shared her story with me about her and her husband being attacked by a drugged out intruder at their home. Despite the trauma of the attack, in which they were both injured, she hadn’t in any way let insecurity sink into her. Though she is more careful than before, she hadn’t felt the need to go pro-gun and arm herself as a result. If she had pulled out a gun, someone likely would have died that day, quite possibly her or her husband. She is thankful the attacker wasn’t armed. She signed our email list and told me how supportive she was (and snapped this picture of me).

Really? Now a Eugene craft fair is probably filled with more stary-eyed hippies than most places on earth, but even that is a little bit far off the Darwin scale for ANY political affiliation. She was attacked by a junkie in her own home, and both her and her husband were injured, and she thinks that if she or her husband had a gun it would have made it worse for THEM?

I would point out scientific data, but this strikes me as a person who would rather work on emotion vs. reason, and frankly these people are fools and only cause problems for society as a whole. For those who are reasonable FIGHT BACK, a gun will do you the most good, but damn, use a bat or a kitchen knife or just your hands and feet.

Also he trots out “Gun Death” as justification for his dishonesty. He also babbles about his little personal campaign to ask parents of children on play dates if there’s guns in the home. Just guns, ONLY, because the guns are somehow different…because they’re different. Not how they store their cleaning chemicals. Not if the house has a pool….not if there are any older siblings that might be involved in drug or gang activity. The Gun is different…well because that’s what Joyce Foundation pays to deal with.

And last from comments:

Like I said, JayF, I’m not going to debate the issue of comparisons with other countries’ regulations in this post.

“We Wanna TALK!” except they don’t.

Sadly these people don’t get the same political treatment as say the people who believe Jewish Bankers are behind the September 11th Attacks, or Chemtrails, tho logically they’re just as irrational and divorced from reality.

We are indeed winning, but we haven’t won the battle yet, keep fighting and keep pushing back those bad gun laws that only get good people killed!

This entry was posted in Freedom, Guns, Politics, Safety, Self Defense. Bookmark the permalink.

0 Responses to Face of the Opposition

  1. NCMO says:

    On the recommendation of Alan in a VC from a while back I’ve been listening to the econtalk podcast regularly. In the latest episode the guest mentions he used to think he could clear up misconceptions people had by explaining a few basic economic facts to them. One example is selling a kidney. If private sales of kidneys were legalized, both the buyer and seller would be better off, and thousands of lives could be saved. Even after hearing this though, many people say they still think it should be illegal. He hypothesizes they feel others should be willing to donate a kidney for no monetary return, just because it’s the right thing to do. Even if more people will be better off if kidneys can be sold, they just don’t want to live in a world where organs can be sold.
    This gave me a lot of insight into this mindset. There are a lot of people who seem to say, “Damn the facts, I just don’t want to live in a world where X is legal.” This is especially fitting for gun control advocates. There is no way they don’t understand the failings of gun control, but they don’t want to live in a world where gun are legal.
    Sorry for the long comment.

  2. BobG says:

    Never met a hoplophobe yet who wasn’t either ignorant of the facts or a bald-faced liar.

  3. Linoge says:

    Huh. Given that the primary argument of a certain cyberstalker we all know and love is, “Gun loons are fat white men, so no one should listen to them!” I wonder what he makes of this particular photo… Arguably overweight, pasty white, and wearing corrective lenses – seems he falls right into the stereotype anti-rights cultists would craft about firearm owners.

    So much for stereotypes.

    And, really, between the two of us, Better Half and I were able to craft a more impressive sign for the one Tea Party rally I went to… and that was just a sign for an individual. One would think that if one were going to represent an organization one felt strongly about, one would take the time to design a relatively polished, clean, and professional banner/sign, and have it printed somewhere.

    Apparently one would be mistaken…

    *shrug* Baldr lost any chance for credibility he might have had over his prevaricative poll debacle. Good to see that no one else seems to be taking him seriously either.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’d say it would go about as far as them pointing out that the Tea Party rosters are mostly middle-aged white men. In that case its that the Tea Party (and Gun owners) are sexist, racist, and backwards.

      When you point out that the Democratic Party is mostly middle-aged white men…well that’s just demographics.

      You can’t catch them in that bullshit because just like they are comfortable lying, bending the truth, and pushing ethically challenged “Science” to support their backwards ideology that they KNOW will get good people killed and injured, they are also perfectly comfortable running the whole world through a double-standard.

  4. Tam says:

    He goes by the handle of “Baldr Odinson”? For real?

    First, New Age paganism bugs me, but only a little bit.

    More importantly, why is an avowed pacifist running around calling himself “Baldr Odinson”? What does he think goes on in Valhalla? Finger-painting? (Well, maybe, but only with the blood of your foes…)

    • Weerd Beard says:

      He’s actually published in some rag ragging about how everybody should ask if there are guns in homes where their children play. (He’s from Oregon, I suspect the answer is “Yes” always) but somehow all other more serious risk factors aren’t relevant. (Why Yes my Glock is locked in my bedroom, and the ammo is in an locked steamer truck in the attic….oh and the firing pin is buried under a concrete slab in the basement…the kids will be fine playing by the pool while I clean out the drains with open containers of lye, and Older brother relaxes in his room when he gets back from his work release from the County Pen)

      He was published under that name. I think it might be his legit handle.

      • Tam says:

        Maybe he had it legally changed, or maybe he just uses it as a byline…

        Still, it’s hard to have a discussion with someone whose handle is up there with someone calling themselves “Jean-Luc Picard”.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          Well given that he works for the Joyce Foundation, and spends his time trumping up other lie-mills within Joyce and Brady, I’d imagine you’ve had vastly more meaningful discussions with your cats.

          “We Wanna Talk” is their Ironic Battle-Cry.

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