For This I Know

If you preach intolerance to gays and wish to curtail their rights you are a closeted homosexual

If you do a no-knock raid with a SWAT team you have severe doubts that your raid is any more dangerous than a traffic stop, and you hope the dog comes over to you for a head-pat and a treat so you can shoot it.

TSA Agents joined the agency so they can steal private property, and commit sexual assault without punishment.

If you call for “Common Sense Gun Control” you are either a violent criminal, or are close to one you would like to see evaid justice.

If you tell somebody how smart you are, you’re not very bright.

If you lead every conversation with whatever your diploma reads, you just barely passed your course work.

Add more as you feel fit!

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0 Responses to For This I Know

  1. MAgunowner says:

    If you start a sentence with “I support the second amendment, but…”, you don’t support the second amendment.

  2. Jennifer says:

    If the butt of your stretchy pants says “scrumptulicious”, it’s not.

  3. alan says:

    If you’re a “public servant” you’re in it for yourself and not the public.

  4. alan says:

    If you your (trailer)house is in a development with “estates” in the name, it’s not an estate.

  5. alan says:

    If you say it’s “for the children” it’s really for your paycheck.

  6. mike w. says:

    If you don’t proofread your posts you’re Weer’d. 😛

  7. wade says:

    TSA agents stealing privet property? Is that why they are always grabbing ladies by the bush?

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