Fuck NPR

So Sebastian links this NPR Expose

Money Quote:

In the long run, we would be better off without federal funding.

Good, we should shut off the tit TONIGHT to you bigoted, mooching assholes!

Also I love how in one breath he calls Conservatives and the Tea Party a bunch of racists…and in the next breath talks smack about the Jews.

These people should not receive a DIME of public funds. If they can raise their own scratch to peddled this shit, go crazy! But not on MY back!

**UPDATE** looks like the jerk in the video is getting pilloried. I wonder how long he’ll have a job.

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0 Responses to Fuck NPR

  1. bluesun says:

    My old roommate liked classical music, so I’d come out from time to time and hear NPR on. Then it would come time for a news segment, and I’d come out of my room and start ranting at the radio. 5 minutes later the neighbors would come over wondering what all the yelling was about.

    Seriously. It’s either blatant unrepentant liberal shillery masquerading as news, or some “culture” piece about a stupid, drug addicted rap thug. WHY THE HELL WOULD A TYPICAL NPR LISTENER WANT TO KNOW ABOUT A RAP ARTIST? THEY’RE SO OUT OF IT THAT THEY CAN’T EVEN PROVIDE SUBJECT MATTER THAT INTERESTS THE PEOPLE WHO TYPICALLY LISTEN TO THEM!

  2. George says:

    “It’s liberal because it’s intellectual…”

    All q are p, therefore if not q than not p?

    Ergo, not intellectual is not liberal? Circular argument much?

  3. Linoge says:

    Screw them. If they want to try remaining afloat in the commercial world, more power to them. But remember – things are subsidized by the government precisely because no private entity wanted to pay for it.

  4. NCMO says:

    This isn’t shocking to me, this is what I hear all the time from the people I work with (in a neuroscience lab). This is exactly what many of those liberals who call themselves intellectuals say when they think they’re talking amongst themselves.

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