I’m All For It!

LOL, so much saber rattling and open lies. Also I like how he seems to give lip service to ideas that were the basis of the “Fairness Doctrine” and “McCain Feingold” which are both blatant violations of the 1st Amendment (Hey but when have you ever known a Leftist politician to like ANY human rights?). Of course lies somehow claiming that saying that Republicans, Conservatives and members of the Tea-Party are Scary Gun-toting racists, wasn’t actually saying what he said.

In the End NPR and PBS are dinosaurs from the infancy of Broadcast TV and Radio, and were conceived ages before Cable and Satellite TV, and Satellite Radio…not to mention the internet where thanks to modern technology and distribution companies its where I watch all my TV, listen to all my radio. Not only are they not needed, they have become a left-wing political arm that survives solely on the money from US tax payers. They need to be defended. That is not the same as “Shut Down” as if they can survive on their own like every other broadcast source they can afford to continue and I’ll applaud them….but I know for a shitty network like NPR, they’ll likely fold as we’ve seen it before.

As for Fox News (or any other station accepting advertisements from the US Government) I’m all for that being dropped too. I don’t watch broadcast TV so I can’t comment on that, but on the radio there are CONSTANT ads produced by the Ad Council. Most of these ads are pure idiocy like “Take time out of your day to spend time with your kids”, and “Raising Awareness of Mental Illness in the African American Community”…without actually providing any useful details. Its all just people talking about how they have mentally ill family members. Not what they did to help them, or even if they did help them…just they have family and friends with problems…good for you!

This has all the effectiveness as “Just say ‘No’ to Drugs”, you think anybody taking drugs was unaware that they were autonomous human beings?

So yeah Representative McGovern, I’m all for it. Stop wasting my tax monies on NPR and PBS, as well as putting out insipid PSAs that largely go ignored, or never reach the relevant demographic.

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0 Responses to I’m All For It!

  1. Ian Argent says:

    Enh – ad campaigns are better than laws for same. I prefer ads to encourage helmet and seatbelt wearing to laws to require same.

    Social stigma > legal trouble, at least in the long run.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I’d prefer money spent on things that actually accomplish things, you know like filling potholes and keeping the police cars running…

      • Ian Argent says:

        Neither of which the federal government does, though. Nor, except on post roads or federal reservations, should it.

        Sure, it’s a bit of a waste of money, but in the grand scheme of things?

  2. Linoge says:

    Remember – things are only subsidized by the government because no private entity could see the point in paying for them.

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