How Gun Control Works

In the wake of the 4th of July I’m hearing no stories of injuries of the countless people who were illegally firing of fireworks. My town had a great show, and after that I stayed up for a few hours to watch the Amateurs put on a further show. Of course the high-paid pros fucked up pretty bad.

Now in gun control heaven, Boston Massachusetts we had a bloody weekend.

Five people were shot in three incidents in Boston today, adding to the mayhem of a long holiday weekend that resulted in 11 shootings.

As of late tonight, none of the victims had died, but two men had suffered life-threatening injuries, police said.

Note in Massachusetts you need to first complete a safety training course and get a series of extensive background checks as well as pay a $100 fee before you can even buy or own a firearm. Permits are issued at the discretion of the local police chief, and specifically the Chief in Boston is highly uncooperative about issuing permits to lawful citizens. Furthermore any handgun you buy must be on the approved “Safety Roster” which of course has nothing to do with safety and everything about banning guns. Also magazines that hold more than 10 rounds or are considered an “Assault Weapon” are illegal unless they were made before 1994. Also all guns are registered with the state, as are all lawful private sales. Furthermore before you can submit to you NICS check you must submit a fingerprint to a digital scanner.

Obviously we need more gun control, because guns are the reason why all these violent acts are happening in the City of massive gun control under the rule of Mayors against Illegal Guns Co-Chair Tom “Mumbles” Menino.

Gun control is nothing but a failed ideology. Treat it as such.

**UPDATE** Go read this post from Old NFO and if I may quote myself:

The antis always say there will be blood in the streets.

They never seem to notice its THEIR streets, and not the streets filled with lawful gun owners.

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0 Responses to How Gun Control Works

  1. Thirdpower says:

    The gun control haven of Chi-town was the same way.

  2. alcade says:

    I’ve lived all my life in a rural area, but I’ve also stayed the night at friends’ houses in Chicago.

    I’ve heard gunfire in both places – but it only concerned me while I was in Chicago, since I know the thugs had a monopoly on violence.

    Meanwhile, around here, I hear a few hundred rounds shot off each month during the summer between myself and my neighbors. To me it’s the sound of safety.

  3. Pingback: How It Works… « Freedom Is Just Another Word…

  4. Pingback: How Gun Control Works Pt II | Weer'd World

  5. Linoge says:

    The number of laws that fail every time a firearm is used in the commission of a crime is mindboggling, and yet the anti-rights cultists seem to cling unerringly to the belief that Just One More Law will change everything. Cultism indeed…

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