“If Guns Were as Illegal as Murder…”

“…Then nobody would be murdered with guns!” Seems to be the bizarre circular logic of the antis. They seem to always want to make owning and using guns illegal to prevent things that are already illegal.

They want to restrict guns and carrying of guns to prevent murder, which is one of the highest crimes crimes on our law books, and frankly that bit doesn’t seem to be much of a deterrent.

They want to ban private sales of firearms to prevent people from selling guns to prohibited people. Would make sense if the latter wasn’t already a crime.

They want to register guns so it can help police trace guns found at crime scenes. Of course not registering guns is a lesser crime than any of the crimes you’d commit with a gun…

Thirdpower has a great example of such foolishness.

Look, most gun laws are redundant. Its a crime to do X, because X supposedly is one step closer to crime Y.

Now this isn’t just gun laws.

Right now, state law restricts daily or hourly discounts on alcoholic drinks in Massachusetts….“Quite a few years ago, following many accidents attributed to drunk driving, we outlawed happy hour and discounted drinks. And that policy has been a good one providing for public safety,” she said.

If the restrictions were lifted, she said, “I think we would see a sharp increase in driving fatalities and injuries. There’s no point to do it.”

Now on this particular law there is no evidence that the laws did anything pertaining to drunk driving, but even if it DID, the solution is NOT to make drink specials a crime, but to crack down on drunk driving. If murder is a problem, don’t ban guns, crack down on murder.

And of course if drunk driving is a crime, if you make drink specials illegal the irresponsible drunks will just spend a few dollars more getting shitfaced before he drives home.

Make guns illegal and not only will the monsters still find ways to inflict harm on others, but we’ll be helpless to fight back against them.

Hey but JUST ONE MORE LAW will fix everything!

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0 Responses to “If Guns Were as Illegal as Murder…”

  1. bluesun says:

    I just had a mental image of all the anti-rights cultists sitting at a boardroom table proposing laws and saying “ALMOST THERE” really loudly.

  2. Braden Lynch says:

    Actually, the anti-freedom, anti-gun idiots are getting closer to how they could actually achieve their dream of reducing “gun deaths” (which is a useless metric). They not really trying though. That’s not their agenda.

    They want to ban all non-governmental guns to do this, and it will never work. Chalk that up to their stupidity and zealous pursuit of an ideological goal.

    Actually, if they cared about “gun deaths” they would not concern themselves in the slightest with gun ownership, rather only with criminal activity with a firearm, such as robberies, assaults, rapes, and murders. How so?

    Well, they should be advocating for very stiff penalties for criminals who use firearms to commit these heinous crimes. Specifically, incarceration penalties that are added on to the sentences (with special provisions that they cannot be plea-bargained away or served concurrently so that they do add to the time in prison). Those types of laws would work for their silly “gun death” metric, but realize that criminals would then be inclined to use knives and so on. Overall, this would favor decent citizens.

    Here is an example of how it could work:
    1) Current criminal – murder 10 years, out in 7 years with good behavior, illegal gun possession and use was ignored by prosecution or plea-bargained away.
    2) Future criminal – murder 10 years + 5 more years added at end of sentence and judge/parole board cannot shorten it, so those 7 years + 5 years = 12 years now.

    Punishing the misuse of the firearm will tend to shift criminals away from using it.

    I know, a dead victim is a dead victim and why should we focus on the tool. I’m just saying that if they are so concerned about “gun deaths” then adding to the criminal penalty for their misuse harms criminals and not me, the nice, law-abiding citizen. It is a little to much to ask from these idiots though, since their real and undeniable goal is the complete confiscation of firearms from citizens.

    So, until they advocate STRONGLY and ONLY for this type of good “gun control” we will know they are full of the stuff that comes out of the horse’s rear end after a good grazing. It’s not about preventing crime, it’s not about guns, its all about control.

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