
Now I live in an uber-lefty state, and I must say that I hear people talk about what a great man Ted Kennedy was, despite being a murderous drunk. (Many lefties have no idea George Soros was a Nazi, but EVERYBODY in Massachusetts knows about Chappaquiddick) And we constantly re-elect miserable communists and criminals year after year.

Yet this is the first time I’ve heard a Democrat say anything nice about that pig Johnson. This has GOT to be the dumbest President in the history of the country!

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0 Responses to Johnson?

  1. bluesun says:

    That whole great society thing, probably.

    OR maybe he just really likes Vietnam.

  2. Kristopher says:

    This would be the same President Johnson that was tape recorded bragging that his Great Society programs would “have those niggers voting Democrat for the next two hundred years”?

    The best thing Johnson ever did was quit.

    Maybe Obama is considering pulling a Johnson on us?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      We’re also talking about the same party that was THE PARTY for Black Ownership. Sadly with a 90% lockstep of African Americans to Democrat candidates (and even tighter if the Candidate is a self-identified African American) they still are.

      Yeah I don’t think Barry is gonna quit…also I hope he doesn’t because then it will likely be Hillary Clinton vs. Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich depending on who the primaries think suck the most and stand the least possibility of winning or preserving liberty.

  3. BobG says:

    He’s the most arrogant president that I can remember in my lifetime, and I’m old enough to remember Eisenhower.

  4. Bubblehead Les says:

    Johnson, FDR, Lincoln? Gee, I guess George Washington fighting the Largest and Best Army and Navy at that time on the PLANET and WINNING and then coming out of Retirement to make sure that it CONTINUED to EXIST doesn’t mean Jack against what you have screwed up in 3 short years, Barry? You have the unmitigated GALL to put yourself above GEORGE WASHINGTON? You Sir, in my First Amendment Protected Right to Political Free Speech, will, IMHO, go down in History as one of the WORST People to EVER become President!

    Fuck it! I don’t Give a Damn if the Republitards Nominate Zombie Hitler to be the next President, I’m Voting for him! ROMNEY CAN’T BE AS BAD AS THIS…… “WHITE HOUSE OCCUPIER!”

  5. Scott says:

    What legislative achievments of Lincoln?

    WTF! Lincoln was a war president from the day he took office. One or more of the states had left the Union by then and war was on the horizon.

    Lincoln had no “domestic” or “foreign policy” achievements in his entire term.

    ShoBama has NO knowledge of American history. What a fraud this man is.

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