More Anti-Rights Projection

This one comes from The great Baldr Odinson expressing unity to Joan Peterson’s screeds.

Seems like every month the NRA’s stances get more extreme, and it is reflected in the comments from their most ardent followers and board members who comment at New Trajectory.

I would point out that the NRA is much more of a Centrist organization. They’re a big-tent group that is just following the center as it has moved away from the failed social experiment that is Gun Control. Back in ’94 the NRA was just doing Damage control on the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, and one could say they didn’t really try to hard to avert the ban. But back then most Americans only owned hunting-style firearms, often with wood stocks, and revolvers and smaller-capacity handguns. Very few people had Carry permits, and most states didn’t even allow carry of firearms.

Today most states allow for carry, Several states don’t even require permits to carry, and massive amounts of restrictions have been repealed on the right to keep and bear arms. Furthermore companies like Kahr Arms that make guns SPECIFICALLY for concealed carry (all of their guns are single-stack, and their largest gun is slightly smaller than a commander M1911, and over half their line have lightweight polymer frames) have sprung up, and just about every company has a subcompact .380 Pistol, and many are working for a subcompact 9mm pistol. Also just about every company has an AR-15 pattern rifle, or a rifle that runs off of 5.56x45mm STANAG magazines (Magazines that are typically 20-30 rounds in capacity) and the AR-15 is one of the most common guns used for hunting and sporting today.

Politically speaking there are Democrats, and left-leaning Independents that strongly pro-gun (as a matter of fact there is a HUGE discussion if Ultra-left-wing Harry Reid deserves an NRA endorsement because while his personal votes are always pro-gun, he does often play along with anti-gun party members) Furthermore Gun Rights was a soft-issue for most politicians on the right, they’d make a pro-gun speech and get their picture holding a shotgun or a bolt-action rifle in hunting garb and call it a day, and meanwhile there were many Republicans who were VERY anti-gun. These days there might be some Republicans who don’t like guns or liberty, but they keep their mouths shut…and most of the Anti-Gun Democrats are the same way. The center has shifted.

Now let’s have a look at Baldr and Joan’s own living room. Joan and Baldr are both open about being VERY “Liberal Democrats”. Now back in the day, Paul Helmke was President of the Brady Campaign, and he was a registered Republican (his stance on party issues is questionable….but certainly its not like Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Michael Bloomberg who registered as a Republican just so he could save money in the Primary race for Democrat dominated New York City) but Paul was terminated from the Brady Campaign.

Can you name ANY Republicans (even RINOs) or Right-leaning Independents that are active supporters of Gun control?

Seems there IS side of this argument that could easily be called “Extremist”.

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