Not Seeing Past Their Noses

Just another example of how out-of-touch and reality challenged the vetted representation of the Brady Campaign and Joyce Foundation really is. Joan Peterson said this.

This is Arizona where there are 18 gun deaths per 100,000 per year- the 5th highest in the country. This is Arizona where, according to this new article in a series about gun rights in Arizona, is the land of the free and six shooters.

This is America. This is the country that has the highest gun deaths per 100,000 of any civilized country not at war. This is America where the second amendment ridiculously gets confused with doing the right thing.

MAGunowner how she determines a “Civilized Country” She Responds:

Actually, MA, that is a good question. I do throw that one around. Here is a link to an article with relatively recent figures –

I know that you and i will differ on what is going on in Mexico. You can see that Mexico has higher gun deaths per 100,000 than the U.S. The term used in this chart is “developing” countries which I assume we can call Mexico. I consider what is going on in Mexico to be because of the drug wars and drug cartel killings which are not to be compared to what is happening in the U.S. since most of our gun deaths are domestic in nature and including suicide and to gang related activity. So to compare the 2 countries one must look at what is going on. Gun deaths have increased in Mexico with the increase in drug cartel activity.

Now that’s an interesting admission from her. Also it IS fair to say that Mexico is in the midst of a Narco-War with the Cartels. Of course she isn’t interested that Arizona is too.

“Mexican drug cartels literally do control parts of Arizona,” he said. “They literally have scouts on the high points in the mountains and in the hills and they literally control movement. They have radios, they have optics, they have night-vision goggles as good as anything law enforcement has.

“This is going on here in Arizona,” he said. “This is 70 to 80 miles from the border – 30 miles from the fifth-largest city in the United States.”

But in Arizona the Narco-War doesn’t count because she had already determined that Constitutional carry is why there is so much violence.

Oh and just to show what a bright shining star she is, she also said this.

haven’t said this for a while- no background check, no gun, no excuses…

Where have we heard that before?

Thinking isn’t really an activity they prefer to do….

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0 Responses to Not Seeing Past Their Noses

  1. Oh, so now the brady bots don’t wanna included certain types of *gun violence* in their figures?

  2. Braden Lynch says:

    Here’s my counter-proposal regarding our rights…

    No prescreening of anti-gun/anti-rights talking points, no free speech, no exceptions.

    She can take her intrusion into my Constitutional rights and shove it.

  3. Old NFO says:

    Again and again and again… sigh…

  4. tommy says:

    Weerd, is Japete actually you in drag? I mean, the amount of wacky in her is… I don’t know, borderline satire. It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      LOL! I would like to say there is a little more method to my madness. Also when make a blog post my goals are to inform and entertain, rather than to spread ignorance and enrage. 🙂

  5. Sailorcurt says:

    Don’t be silly…OF COURSE Mexico, Russia and others aren’t among the countries considered “civilized”…they’re way too violent.

    If they want to be considered civilized, they need to get their gun crime rates down. As soon as their gun crime rates are at least lower than those in the US, they can be added to the list of “civilized” countries and included in those statistics.

    Until then, they must, sadly, remain amongst the ranks of the uncivilized and, therefore, cannot be compared against the US in terms of “gun death”.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      LOL, So why do we compare ourselves to be “Civilized”. If “Harry Brown” is civilization, I’ll prefer to be “Developing” like Rural Maine and New Hampshire where its safe to go out at night, just bring a gun in case a bear of a Coyote decides to fuck with you.

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