Nyahh Nyahhh I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!

And other anti-rights arguments. Twitter comments can be found here, here, and Here

**UPDATE** Sean
points out that the “Chuck Cravaack” is obviously a fake account. I missed the detail because I’m not from Minnesota. Joan missed the detail because she’s obviously stupid. Makes it even better IMHO -ed

Joan Peterson: “House passes H.R. 822. Shame on them. My own Rep. Chip Cravaack voted yes to allowing people who get permits in other states to carry in MN.”

Chip Cravaack:” @commongunsense You can kill with a bat or a car but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game.”

Joan Peterson: “@ChuckCravaack Specious argument”

Or a great argument…but if you call it Specious maybe SOMEBODY really dumb will belive you.

Mr. Cravaack also links this page with this quote:

GUNS DON’T MAKE YOU A KILLER – Killing makes you a killer. You can kill someone with a bat or a car, but no one is trying to ban you from driving to the ball game. politics

Well played!

This entry was posted in Freedom, Guns, Politics. Bookmark the permalink.

0 Responses to Nyahh Nyahhh I CAN’T HEAR YOU!!!

  1. I don’t know what’s funnier. Japete arguing with a fake Twitter account, or Japete losing an argument with a fake Twitter account. Japete’s congresscritter is
    Chip Cravaak, http://twitter.com/#!/ChipCravaack
    not Chuck Cravaak. http://twitter.com/#!/ChuckCravaack

    If you read “Chuck’s” Twitter account, you can pretty easily tell that it’s a fake account. I found Chip’s account by looking on his campaign web page.

  2. agirlandhergun says:

    That is odd, but funny.

  3. Linoge says:

    I know it is never going to happen, but I would just love for Joan to explain how, exactly, pointing out that a baseball bat and car can kill people just as dead as a firearm is in some way “superficially plausible, but actually wrong”. Are they not dead-dead? Are they zombies?

    Methinks she happened to see one of us accurately using the word in relation to some of the idiotic gos-se she regularly spews forth, and thought it sounded shiny. Damned if she does not continue to do more damage to herself than we could ever hope to.

  4. Even funnier, after I tweeted

    “@commongunsense @ChuckCravaack I don’t know which is funnier. Joan Peterson arguing with a fake twitter account, or Joan losing that agument”


    “Chuck” retweeted, favorited, and is now following me.

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