Occupy Drama Llama

I read this the other day, and knew it was more “Progressive” hand-wringing. You see “Progressives” are dependent on the government for their lives, and the system they have created is based on “Victim-hood”. This is why we see so many fabricated claims of racism, because its a DISADVANTAGE for minorities that the Jim Crow era is done. If they can’t pretend that such-and-such a group is a modern day Klan then they have nobody to blame but themselves. Same goes for Joan Peterson attempting to paint her Sister’s death as something relevant to her cause. So when I read this headline I smelled bullshit:

Someone threw an IED into OccupyMaine’s tent city yesterday morning…One witness said this type of bomb could have caused a lot more damage if certain things were added and a lot of campers are fearful of another attack. Thankfully no one was injured last night but police investigators were on scene for 2 hours to identify the chemicals used and to try to find out who is responsible.

Of course the REAL news story is here

“There was no fire . . . We had a good 20 feet of thick smoke rolling out from under the table,” Wilburn said. They could see the “G” on the 24-ounce bottle and its orange cap, as well as bits of silver metal, she said.

She and a friend who ran over to look at it breathed in fumes that smelled like ammonia, she said.

I’m a guy. I’m amused by things that make loud noises. I’ll occasionally grab some dry ice and put it in a drink bottle with some warm water and then put the lid on tight. With a good seal the sound is about the same as a .22 pistol.

A similar type prank is to make a toilet cleaner bomb.

Yeah vaporized toilet cleaner isn’t the healthiest thing in the world, but really wallowing in all the human waste from these hippies not using proper bathroom facilities is far more dangerous.

Its a prank, but they want to pretend that “The Man” is out to get them…rather than a couple of Jocks in Mom’s car.

They are drama queens trying to pretend they are relevant.

Hey Whiner! You don’t like the cops tear gassing you, DON’T RIOT!

BTW remember all those stories about the cops deploying flashbangs and CS gas on the Tea Party Rallies?

If you want to be taken seriously you’re going to need to grow the hell up. Also you’re going to need to organize rather than being just a rabble. When you have no group unity everybody’s voice is the same. That means that those of you who are speaking against the bank and industry bailouts and the tax code are on the same level as the Anti-Semites and the Anarchists.

And of course he’s hardly the only one.

Like it or not, but these people speak for you because you GAVE them that power, and welcome them with open arms.

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0 Responses to Occupy Drama Llama

  1. George says:

    They are rapidly becoming yesterday’s news, and I think there is some desperation to stay relevant.

    Plus I loved the emo guy giving the po-po 24 hours to respond. Dude, when you threaten the PD, you might not like the response. 🙂

  2. karrde says:

    I am reminded again of the ability to make lots of trouble with a little bit of ingenuity and the right supplies.

    How hard is it to acquire dry ice?

  3. TJR says:

    When I was in high school a kid made a “works bomb” and shoved it down in a waste paper basket in the commons as a prank. When it went off, it actually did sound a bit like a gunshot in the hallways, but since this was pre- Columbine, no one made a big deal out of it, the kid got suspended, but no cops called. Then the school had the Chemistry teacher explain the how dangerous these types of things were and all of the byproducts that resulted from them and so forth. As soon as school let out that day, there was a run on the local stores for liquid plumber and aluminum foil.

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