Poor Form

I found this on a lefty site who was VERY impressed with it. I was rather disgusted:

So a gay woman has a bone to pick with Michelle Bachman. I don’t blame her, as Congresswoman Bachman is pretty horribly anti-gay. You have my support.

But what she does is instead coaches her son with a line, and then goads her obviously VERY uncomfortable boy to say “My mom is gay and she doesn’t need fixing”. Good line, but failed in the execution. First up Ms. Bachman is in an awkward position. She really shouldn’t respond to the kid as he’s nothing more than a ventriloquist dummy that feels pain and fear, and Mom is using Junior as a meat-shield to avoid contact with Michelle Bachman.

Furthermore as soon as the line is said and they get an uncomfortable reaction from Michelle, Mom beats a hasty retreat.

Good LORD! Look we need to put anti-gay people’s feet to the flames about their bigotry and ignorance. Anybody who thinks being gay is a “Choice” obviously never met a homosexual. I have a gay friend who grew up in rural Maine. As far as he knew he was the only gay man in his high school. I’ve heard stories of rural gays who knew of one other person…and they really weren’t attractive to them.

Yeah, its a choice, makes PERFECT sense to me.

Still you are not winning when you make yourself out to be THAT much of an abusive coward to “Prove Your Point”.

Elijah, your Mom needs fixing, not because she’s gay, that part is fine, but because she’s a self-centered bitch who would rather you feel uncomfortable and scared than herself, and would rather tell-off a woman who is a political dead-end than be a good mother.

Sadly you life will get much worse before it gets better, Elijah…but when you’re old enough to move out and get some therapy it probably will get better then.

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0 Responses to Poor Form

  1. North says:

    WB: Your last two paragraphs – rock on, man!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I needed to go for the jugular! This pissed me off so much A) Because she’s such an asshole for doing it that way but B) Because I 100% Agree that Bachman is an asshole for all her “Pray Away the Gay” nonsense.

      Weer’d World, Pro-Gay, Pro-Gun, Anti-Asshole! 8)

  2. alcade says:

    I think both sides of the issue have their heads up their asses. The “pray away the gay” is so assinine – as if someone could pray away their straightness or anything else. But what often amuses me about the left, with their strict adherence to secular Darwinism, is their belief that homosexuality is somehow “natural.” If we are nothing more than animals, then reproduction and survival of the species is the only meaning of life. If that is true, then any sort of impotence (and what is homosexuality if not mental impotence?) is a genetic flaw in the same classification as color blindness and male pattern baldness.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      To geek out homosexuality is often seen in most natural populations, and yeah it is a death sentence in any small or threatened population. In species like humans it really doesn’t do any harm.

      But it occurs naturally so you really can’t call the Homos “Unnatural”. Also stuff like adult lactose tolerance is technically “unnatural” when you put it under a certain lens….but why burn any calories worrying about it when you have a big bowl of cereal and not suffer from it.

    • Jake says:

      If that is true, then any sort of impotence (and what is homosexuality if not mental impotence?) is a genetic flaw in the same classification as color blindness and male pattern baldness.

      Yet both are still very natural.

      “Natural” does not necessarily mean “reproductively beneficial”.

  3. Erin Palette says:

    In my perfect world, a gay man can walk down the street in a dress, holding his boyfriend’s hand, with a slung AR-15 over his shoulder… and nobody finds any of that odd.

    • Cargosquid says:

      They may find it odd…but that AR-15 keeps them polite.

      Is it odd that the captcha for this is 2TTS…say it out loud.

      Yes….I’m a guy. Sue me.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Fuck Odd, That’s AWESOME! You know that guy is 100% being himself, and we should all know how GOOD that feels.

      Also if shit goes down I know Captain Twinkle-Toes has got my back!

      We shouldn’t live in a world where people are prisoners to society.

      • Erin Palette says:

        That’s basically my go-to answer every time someone wants to know my political views. Instead of saying “I’m basically Libertarian” or “I’m fiscally and militarily conservative but socially liberal” — in which case people just hear the parts they want and leap to conclusions — I bring up the aforementioned open-carrying gay man in drag. It paints a vivid picture and I adore the looks of confusion on my querents’ faces as their brains try to grasp the (to them) seemingly contradictory position.

  4. Cargosquid says:

    I try to winkle out why humans do the things that they do. If the action, trait, etc, did not advance the growth of the species at some time….it would die out. So if homosexuality IS natural and genetically based, etc…. a) how would it get passed down the line? b) how does it help advance the species’ survival.

    So…I think I’ve figured it out.

    Male homosexuality restricts reproduction.
    Female homosexuality, in a male dominant society…..does not.
    Bisexuality does NOT restrict reproduction.

    Since bisexuality does not restrict reproduction…it will still be demonstrated in a bell curve…but, because “straightness” is more common…being “straight will still be the majority.
    If homosexuality is natural…one quirk of straight males is to be excited by seeing women having sex. So…picture this caveman scenario….straight alpha woman wants the alpha leader….two beta women are being cut out……they have no problem satisfying each other……alpha male notices them more than the single alpha woman. Predilection for homosexuality is then passed on to future generations.

    Your mileage may vary. Just some idle thoughts.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Well just because something exists doesn’t mean its particularly relevant evolutionarily. Take somebody who has double-jointed fingers. I couldn’t tell you a single thing that’s GOOD for at all. It doesn’t make a person’s hands more dexterous or strong. Its not like there is a skill set they perform better at than people with traditional fingers.

      But double jointed people exist. Same goes for all those other oddball genealogy things they look at in High School biology. Free earlobes, tongue rolling et al. Does jack shit to the species….and because of that it isn’t selected FOR…but it isn’t selected against.

      Evolution is a fucking mess, not a magnum opus when you really look at it.

      But I could stand to watch more women having sex together….just for the sake of science, mind you! 8)

    • North says:

      Wanna be a cave man…

    • Jake says:

      Also, don’t forget about recessive traits. If a mother and father both have half of the “gay gene”*, then (assuming it would follow the blood type model, substituting gay/bi/straight for ABO) there’s a one in four chance of any child being gay or bi, and a three in four chance of passing half of it on to a straight child.

      *Used here only for illustrative purposes, and assuming it’s a single gene rather than a combination. I’m not arguing for or against the existence of it, and the example is a massive oversimplification (and probably not done right, either, but I hope it communicates the point adequately).

      Also, don’t forget that in societies where homosexuality is persecuted – whether socially, legally, or both – many gays will force themselves to get married, and even have children, in order to appear normal, thus passing the trait into the gene pool.

      • Weerd Beard says:

        Yep just like prisoners, or people on long oceanic voyages might turn to homosexuality in desperation, homosexuals may also engage in heterosexual activities out of desperation if not pure convenience. (I suspect the “Normality” of heterosexuality, and the underlying stigma of homosexuality is a reason why most of the gay people I know have at least tried sexual intercourse with the opposite gender)

        Now with in-vitro fertilization and gay marriage and legal domestic partnership there is also the option for one or both of the partners to offer genetic materiel for offspring if that’s their choice.

        It is NOT a simple population model an any sense.

      • Cargosquid says:

        So this explains the rampant homosexuality among many Muslim cultures since access to women are so limited….and now those willing to “switch” are passing on their genes when they DO hook up with a woman.


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