Question Authority

Uncle has a post up about the New York Ballistic Database being a total waste of public funds. Keven Baker links an older post saying the same thing about the Maryland database.

I would link a similar post on the Massachusetts registry, as its similarly inept. They cost millions every year (money that could be either back in our pockets, or actually fighting crime) for far-fetched anti-rights programs that have solved NO crimes.

NONE, they do NOTHING!

Why are they still around? Well that’s a lovely tenant of Leftists, they really like to throw money at a problem (real or perceived) and feel all smug about themselves, without caring if they actually accomplish jack or crap (or even if the “Problem” they’re throwing money at is even an issue). Being cheap bastards of course they don’t want to spend their own money, I’m fine with charities being formed for whatever stupid cause de-jour you have. No they want us ALL to pay for it.

Never once do they actually ask if it works. So here’s a homework for all the people living behind enemy lines. Ask somebody if they care that such-and-such bloated government program does nothing.

Skew the shit out of your question to. Ask them if the money would be better spent paying for:

-Food Stamps
-Midnight Basketball
-Clean Needles
-Teenagers getting an abortion without their parents knowledge
-Cigarettes for criminals
-Sex Change Operations

Whatever, knock your socks off. Hell if this shit payed for an abortion at least it would result in a dead fetus, right now its paying for a registry to “Solve Crimes” that hasn’t solved any crimes.

The only reason why these programs are still on the books is:

#1. Anti-Gun Activists only care about killing gun culture, and could give a shit if a crime goes unsolved, or if tax monies are wasted.
#2. People just assume if the program is being funded it works.

You can’t solve #1 because they are evil, so let’s solve #2!

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0 Responses to Question Authority

  1. Patrick says:

    Might have to do a small post on this because you got me thinking… No more Federal money spent for any old or new program until A) you find Constitutional authority and B) you determine the metric to consider the “program” a success. If that metric isn’t met in 5-10 years, program must be dissolved.

    Item B) goes for state funding as well.

    • wfgodbold says:

      That sounds reasonable, but Congress would just get around it with a succession of “temporary” five-year plans.

      They’d do the same for any length imposed, I bet.

      I had the idea a while back that bills should be limited to a length that could be posted on Twitter, but they’d figure a way around that, too. Probably by posting everything in Japanese or Chinese.

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