Quote of the Day: Kermit

Kermit in the Comments

People like the Brady Bunch and the Joyce Foundation aren’t concerned with self-defense. They’re not concerned with guns. They don’t care about killing, justified or otherwise.

They “care” about victims of crime, because it suits their interests.

See, you can’t be a victim if you haven’t been victimized, and if you stand and fight, defend yourself, you make a very poor victim.

Couldn’t have said it better, so I didn’t! Well put!

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0 Responses to Quote of the Day: Kermit

  1. Pingback: Saturday Stuff.. « Freedom Is Just Another Word…

  2. TJP says:

    Nope, they can no longer feign concern for the victims–not on our watch, anyway. They care about the political advantage of *dead* victims. If there weren’t any, they be waving their arms next to a dummy with ketchup on it. They want blood, and the moment they get it they’ll “do a freakin’ tango in a pool of it!”


  3. Linoge says:

    I would replace “care” with “exploit”, but I imagine that is the point Kermit was aiming for all along.

    In reality, the anti-rights nuts engage in some of the most shameful activities known to man – they find people who have been previously victimized, and leverage their lives, their stories, their histories, their tragedies as a way to force other people to go through the same disasters.

    How the hell does that make sense? As the saying goes, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results – the anti-rights nuts take the stories of victims – which should be held up as examples of what should not happen – and expect everyone else to voluntarily become potential victims themselves, and then they think the world will somehow get better. What?

  4. Pingback: how people react | walls of the city

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