Quote of the Day: Reality

I’m done the boycott, so I have a quote:

That’s pretty sad, Kaveman. It illustrates all the more why conceal carry is a bad idea. We are allowing people with potentially no hands-on training at all not only to possess guns at home but on the street as well, ready to shoot. Do you not see a problem with this??

-Baldr Odinson of the Joyce Foundation

Now let me give Baldr a lesson on how to see a problem. Does Oregon have higher gun-handling accidents (specifically with people who have valid CCW permits) than other states?
Does Oregon have higher instances of defensive shootings going horribly wrong (as in innocent people being hurt or killed because of horrendous marksmanship or gun handling) than other states.

I used to be one of them. I grew up in Maine, which has a Shall-issue permit system, but they require you to take the NRA Basic Pistol training course (which includes live-fire) to get your permit. I thought this sounds pretty reasonable. It even makes some logical sense.

Until I looked at New Hampshire to the south that requires NO training to get your permit….or Vermont to the West which doesn’t even HAVE a permit system, if you take a training course in Vermont its 100% because you want to take a course.

Sorry, there isn’t any significant difference. Wanna know why? If people want training they’ll get training. Maybe from a certified instructor, maybe from a friend or family member who is experienced. If people don’t want training, they won’t train. Are there any amount of classes somebody can be forced to take that will do ANY good if the student doesn’t apply themselves outside of class?

Ask me something in French. I took a year of it, and I can’t say more than a handfull of words. Ask me to Conjugate a Latin verb…you’d think I could do that since I took 4 years of it, right? Think again, its been almost 15 years since I conjugated anything in Latin.

Oh, and taking foreign language was a mandate in public schools.

Do I not see a Problem with this??? Sorry Baldr that isn’t a rhetorical question. I see no problem with a state waiving the requirement for mandatory training. I see no problem with states waiving their entire permit system.

Do you see a problem with this, Baldr? Where do you see it? Care to show me?

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0 Responses to Quote of the Day: Reality

  1. alcade says:

    It is interesting to point out that the training which would have imbued proficiency in firearms usage starting at an early age is no longer politically correct. Anti gun activists have turned firearms training for the young into something scary and shameful to discuss. Training that used to encouraged by the government through the precursor of the Civilian Marksmanship Program, Boy Scouts, school rifle teams, or even the old mandatory service in the local militia seems to be a rarity these days.

    Firearms training is a good idea, but I think it is much more effective at the younger ages than in, say, someone’s thirties when they’ve suddenly decided to buy a handgun for the first time.

    “The society of late twentieth century America is perhaps the first in human history where most grown men do not routinely bear arms on their persons and boys are not regularly raised from childhood to learn skill in the use of some kind of weapon, either for community or personal defense − club or spear, broadsword or long bow, rifle or Bowie knife.”

    Samuel Francis, as quoted from Jeff Cooper’s Commentaries, Vol. 1

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep, and also it points out another agenda point for the anti-feedom crowd, try asking a gun-banner for a recommendation of a training course.

      You’ll likely get your question ignored or deleted. The Gold-standard for any type of safety training is the NRA courses. This isn’t saying their classes are the best, just the most prolific and accessible to all walks of life. It’s really where the NRA shines, and why I’m a proud life-member.

      Of course Joyce and Brady won’t endorse any of their sworn enemies’ courses, nor any others, as live-fire training implies that it is indeed OK under certain circumstances to shoot a gun. Certainly Joyce and Brady have no safety courses to speak of, beside the Nancy Reagan abysmal failure of “Just Say No”, which has done just as well to keep our cities free from drugs and armed criminals.

      So what would be the end-game of Mandated training but no approved training? Something like Chicago’s pistol permits. You could legally own a Handgun in Chi-Town, just you needed a permit …problem was they didn’t issue permits until recently.

      You need training to buy a gun…only we won’t certify any trainers …but we aren’t banning guns, of course not!

  2. kaveman says:

    Go check out japete, she’s really losing it.

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    Funny thing is, about 30 years ago, when getting a CCW in most states was restricted to the Political Elite and their Cronies, it wasn’t a problem with the Anti’s if those Ward Healers had any training or not. Now that nearly all States have some form (strangely enough, not the so-called “Liberal” States of Illinois and Wisconsin) of CCW, it’s become an issue. Or are these Commies afraid of the fact that someone standing right next to them could tell them to Take their Revolution and Shove It, and have the means to ensure their Freedom upon their person?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Comment Moderation, closed venues, and secret meetings. They do NOT want discussion or debate. They want to pass their Utopia under our noses, without our say, and then quietly spirit us away in boxcars to the disposal facility.

      Thankfully their reality will never come to fruition, their ship has sailed and they are stranded on an Alien shore where common sense, reason, and facts rule, and crying about dead relatives will only beg the question: “Why didn’t you do anything?”

  4. mike w. says:

    We send kids out on the roads in 3000 lb. + vehicles with no more than a class and at best a few hours behind the wheel. Clearly that hasn’t stopped auto accidents, so why would mandated training be necessary for carrying a gun? Hell, CCW is far less risky and has far fewer dangerous variables involved than driving a car on public roads.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah but liberals drive cars! They only want to give up the rights they don’t use.

      These are the type of people who would oppose police stopping and frisking a person for wearing dreadlocks and a Bob Marley T-shirt under suspicion of drug possession….but are totally fine with registering all gun owners and demanding home inspections under suspicion of drug trafficking or “Safety” violations.

      Remember, Aryan Germans had rights…

  5. Mark says:

    I find it funny how the article mentions that people from Washington can get a permit without training. The author makes it sound like allowing Washingtonians with CPL’s to carry in Oregon would create a “dangerous situation”. But in Washington, which has had its CPL law on the books since the 60s, you hear NOTHING. Since moving here, I haven’t read or heard of one article by an anti-gunner decrying the practice as unsafe.

    Thats because there’s nothing to talk about, its been almost 50 years and the anti-gunners have nothing to go on. It really makes you question the opinion that the antis have of their neighbors and coworkers.

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