She Didn’t Even Wince

I’m amazed at how shameless the Democrats can be. Everything is fine, and the streets of Bagdad are clear!

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Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, if you told me water was wet, I’d have to jump into a pool just to make sure things hadn’t changed!

h/t Hotair

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0 Responses to She Didn’t Even Wince

  1. North says:

    She could blow air into a month-dead corpse and claim the corpse was breathing.

  2. McThag says:

    The thing is, I think that the economy is doing exactly what she and the president wanted it to do.

    Everything according to plan if not their public statements.

  3. Bubblehead Les says:

    Shame we can’t dock her Congressional Pay the amount she receives as DNC Chair. Must be nice to be Paid to NOT spend time serving one’s District, huh?

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Hey, I’m glad they picked such a dishonest idiot for the DNC chair!

      As that short fella from Corsica once said: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

  4. alcade says:

    Well, why shouldn’t she lie? We know from experience that a significant portion of the population will believe the lie – no questions asked. Another chunk will know the truth but not care so long as the checks from the public treasury keep rolling in. That leaves the rest of us, who have to try to shout louder than the mainstream liberal media who will echo dutifully every talking point they’re given.

    It’s like herding cats!

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