Thanks For the Reminder!

It seems all the anti-freedom channels are a-twitter about National Conceal Carry Reciprocity (HR 822). Really if the antis hate it this much How could you have ANY doubt that its awesome? Seriously they for ANYTHING that limits freedom and decreases safety, HR 822 will INCREASE safety and INCREASE freedom.

Looks like the stalkers and scumbags have bought a full-page ad in the Boston Globe The ad can be viewed here. Its full of whopper lies, but the biggest is this:

To protect victims of domestic violence, Massachusetts has set common-sense standards for carrying loaded, concealed guns that go well beyond the basic federal background check. For example, Massachusetts denies concealed carry permits to individuals who have been convicted of certain misdemeanor gun or drug crimes, or who have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

L I E! If you are convicted of Domestic Violence, Drug or Alcohol abuse, you can’t actually OWN a gun, let alone carry one. What massachusetts does that isn’t covered by the NICS Background check is stuff like History of Being Black, History of Not Donating to local politician, ot history of living in the wrong town.

They’re full of shit, and I think we’d all like to see their endevors fail. So remember you can call the number on the ad, or do what I did and send an email to Scott Brown here. Of course if you live in other states call your legislators and ask them to support National Conceal Carry reciprocity. If you’re safe to carry in one state there is NOTHING different about the air or ground in the next state. Your carry permit should be good nation-wide.

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0 Responses to Thanks For the Reminder!

  1. Bubblehead Les says:

    I do wonder about the next step, (that is, if this gets through Congress, a Presidential Veto, enough Votes to Override the Veto, and 14 Uberliberal Judges saying NO, which pushes it up to SCOTUS), that, let’s just say I become a Citizen of Vermont, where NO Permit is Necessary. Does that mean I can carry in NYC w/o a Permission Slip and Bloomberg can go to Hell? Or does it only apply to those who have to pay a Poll Tax Equivalent to exercise their Constitutional Rights? Food for thought.

  2. Linoge says:

    I remain somewhat divided about this law… on the one hand, it should already be covered by either “full faith and credit” or “equal protection” would cover the situation (much like drivers’ licenses and marriage licenses are so protected). On the other hand, obviously this is not the case, but should it be up to the federal government to correct this oversight when, in reality, the unjust laws in various states should be taken to court and appropriately challenged?

    *shrug* In either case, the proposed bill is good for one thing – loosening the already-weak bladder control of “gun control” extremists…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Coming from one of those Unjust states I’ll note that the majority of the people here are so brainwashed that it will take somebody saying “Well its been happening here for YEARS with no ill effects, get over it!” before anything changes.

      Hell we didn’t even get gay marriage here from a vote. IT was judicial fiat claiming that John Adams totally meant two men getting hitched when they wrote the Mass Constitution. I’m all for gay marriage, but that’s straight-up bullshit. BTW there was a petition to put it on a Referendum question, I signed it specifically so we could show the world we have nothing to fear from two men, or two women holding hands with wedding bands. But the petition was defeated by the powers that be.

      In a perfect world we wouldn’t need a law like this…and if we lived in that would we wouldn’t even be discussing it.

      Also I just got to thinking, this bill likely won’t cover Massachusetts anyway because while you can legally carry concealed in the state on your home-state permit….you’ll still be in possession of a firearm in Massachusetts without our unconstitutional owner’s permit.

  3. Kristopher says:

    Bubblehead Les:

    They are going the wimpoid route, and requiring a CCW regardless, and exempting states that forbid CCW.

    Which should be fixed. A constitutional carry State ID should be enough without a permit, and if anyone can carry in a given state ( including cops ), then you should be able to.

  4. Daniel in Brookline says:

    Reminds me of the billboard ad on the Mass Pike, not far from Fenway Park I believe, counting “statistics” such as “politicians bought by NRA” and “number of children killed per hour because all guns have not yet been destroyed” and such-like. I can’t quote the sign to you, because I’ve never really read it all the way through; it makes me grit my teeth every time I drive by it.

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