Those Joyless Conservatives

I heard this story over the wire and had my suspicions on what was driving it.

In the findings, “sarcastic” media-savvy comedies and morally murky antiheroes tend to draw Dems. While serious work-centered shows (both reality shows and stylized scripted procedurals), along with reality competitions, tend to draw conservatives.

Oh those Conservatives! They have no sense of humor! But look at the listed shows.

Sure we have things that are expected, like Lefties liking The View, and Conservatives liking Swamp Loggers and Top Shot.

But what’s with Conservatives not liking comedy? Do conservatives have no sense of humor? Odd, I consider myself conservative, and I run in both circles of Liberals and Conservatives, and it seems that the more extremist you are the less likely you are to be happy, but overall both seem to be equally likely to laugh.

Now I don’t watch TV at all, so many of these shows I’ve never seen. I will say I can see why Lefties won’t like Myth Busters. I mean if you’re demanding laws based on Global Warming, the last thing you want to watch is a show that proves that things you passed off as fact as untrue.

Still look at the Comedies the Left loves: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report, 30 Rock and Parks and Recreation, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia , etc.

I haven’t watch some of these shows, and only seen a few shows of others, but I know many of them are left-leaning shows, and others have a reputation that proceeds them.

Conservatives don’t like “Sarcastic Comedies”? Yeah, because you’re definition of “Sarcastic Comedies” are shows that make fun of Conservatives.

Check this, if you had a show that constantly made fat-chick jokes overweight women would click by. People like a good laugh, but they won’t sign on for a bully they can’t fight back with.

What’s really interesting is my Left-Leaning Father constantly sends me joke emails that make fun of Democrats and the left. I doubt he enjoys them as much as I do, but that market is quite saturated. Meanwhile network TV? That’s a monoculture, and we can tell.

**UPDATE** Bob has a great post up with a video. Go have a watch it dovetails nicely!

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0 Responses to Those Joyless Conservatives

  1. George says:

    I have a two word response to the idea that conservatives don’t like sarcastic comedies:

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah that’s listed. I’m actually a huge fan because they’re equal opportunity slayers of sacred cows.

      I can see conservatives being turned off by the crass nature of the comedy.

      • Bob S. says:

        One of the reasons I, not speaking for anyone else, don’t like South Park is it is part of the “the children are smarter than the adults mentality”.

        It isn’t as bad as most which saves often. But I’m tired of seeing adults portrayed only as clueless, inept, bungling, bigots, etc — and many shows make the fathers look worse.

        I do appreciate South Park’s take on a lot of issues and definitely give them credit for being an equal opportunistic skewerer.

        Looking at the list, it struck me that I watch and enjoy shows on both the left and right list — but out of all of them, I watch very few of the shows.

        • Weerd Beard says:

          A fair cop. Overall I see the kids have their kid vices (intolerance, lack of logic, grand ideas, and frustrations of impotence) and the adults have their adult vices (too much tolerance, vanity, tribalism, hedonism, fear of change) And Stan is just the universal straight-man that reflects the show’s earnest look at the issues. Since its a total lampoon on everything Stan looks the smartest, but really he’s just watching, and making stupid-simple choices.

          I will agree the stereotype of the American Dad as being a drooling retard is so revolting. I can’t watch any shows where Dad is a semi-literate moron who comes home from work and sits in his chair and bitches about being asked to do ANYTHING but watch sports.

  2. Pingback: 3 Boxes of BS » Blog Archive » If this is Humor….

  3. Thirdpower says:

    I rarely watch ‘sitcoms’ and haven’t for years. They’re all the exact same jokes and situations that have been around for decades. The ‘reality’ shows are mostly old now to.

  4. MAgunowner says:

    If you’re not watching Always Sunny, it’s your loss dude!

    • Weerd Beard says:

      I have no TV coming into the House. We have the streaming box that can run Hulu, but I haven’t yet explored what’s available. I have seen about a dozen episodes of Sunny, and it was funny, tho I’m not addicted to it.

  5. wfgodbold says:

    I can’t believe Psych didn’t make the list. It’s hilarious.

  6. bluesun says:

    Liberals don’t like Top Gear? I always knew there was a reason I don’t like leftists.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Actually I could see Lefties not like top gear as the same reason why Right-Wingers don’t like 30 Rock. While Clarkson and co are WAYYYY left of myself (being Limeys and all) they frequently make fun of the leftist nanny behavior that interferes with daily lives, with cars being a focus. They are also considered “Conservative” by many Brits. (Despite Not knowing Conservatism if it bit them in their crumpets!)

      I would imagine if you’re the type of Marxist asshole who thinks CAFE standards are a good idea, or believe in global warming, Top Gear will kick sand on you with a good deal of predictability.

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