View From the Other Side

Looks like Heeding God’s call got over a dozen ignorant or dishonest sign-holders to harass Realco Guns:

First up if Realco was doing anything illegal. Also like all anti-rights groups they make no distinction between lawful gun owners and criminals carrying guns. Its all about the guns to them.

Also they talk about the Mayors Against Illegal Guns proposal to stop straw buyers. Doing some searching I found this PDF and This News Article.

Seems they seem to say not to sell to women. The rapidly growing demographic of the shooting sport.
Not to sell to people who don’t know a lot about guns: You know like most of us when we first get into shooting.
Not to sell to pairs of people looking at guns: Like when somebody who doesn’t know a lot about guns might request a more knowledgeable friend to confirm they’re buying a good gun, and getting a good deal.
Not to sell to people who “Dress like a gang member”. Do you know what the local gang colors are in your area? I don’t. Are they simply saying not to sell to urban minorities?

They talk about some pretty egregious sales like somebody buying a dozen Lorcin .380s (granted I own a bunch of Mosin Nagant rifles, I collect them. Will MAIG know the difference between them and me?) Furthermore this should flag the straw buyer with the ATF. Of course we know how they handled the Cartel buyers in Project Gunwalker….

Note all this foolishness is to encourage FFLs to not sell to people who have a clean criminal background (not to mention discriminate against women and minorities). These are also the same people looking to ban private sales.

Almost seems like they simply want to ban all guns, doesn’t it?

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0 Responses to View From the Other Side

  1. Old NFO says:

    Yep, ban all guns is the bottom line… they are idjits….

  2. tommy says:

    Weerd, you may be a Genius! Think about this, you know all those gun sales that were green lit because they were going to the Cartels and nothing was done about them. Okay, so we head down to El Paso in the biggest van we can get, hell, we rent a U-Haul and we buy buy out the gun stores of all their guns and say “No, these are not for the cartels ~WINNNNK~” then load them up and drive off. The ATF will green light it, like always, and we split the guns 50-50. I’ll take my armory back to NC, you can take yours back to the People’s Republic. I mean, the ATF might be mad that we aren’t actually giving them to the cartels, and might have strong words for us because we didn’t lie to get them, but hey, it’s still win-win!

    I mean, we’d have to wait til your movie studio is off the ground to get the fun stuff, but still, it could work!

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