A Nightmare

This is sometimes the best the system can do to protect you:

A Northfield man has been sentenced to 21 months in prison for threatening his girlfriend and assaulting a Northfield police officer.

Michael Lee Schwebach, 22, was on probation when the incident took place in December.

Schwebach had previously been convicted of terroristic threats in June 2011, domestic abuse, terroristic threats and attempted assault of a peace officer in April 2011 and domestic assault in January 2011, according to Minnesota Court records.

Probation! Of course they’ll keep a close eye on him so we’ll be safe!

After a night of drinking in December, Schwebach got into an altercation with his girlfriend on the side of a road. After he allegedly shoved her down several times, injuring her knee and wrist, she was able to get away with the help of a friend. The girlfriend spoke with police to report the assault and said Schwebach had drank about a “half of a bottle” of alcohol and said if she called police that he’d kill her. She also told police that Schwebach carries a knife with him.

Terms of Schweback’s probation required him to wear a monitoring bracelet, which he cut off that night. Schweback had hitched a ride to the Big Steer, the complaint says, but managed to get back to Northfield and to the residence his girlfriend was at. He began beating on the door and she called police.

Northfield Police arrived and attempted to arrest Schwebach, but he spat at officers, yelled obscenities and resisted arrest. Schwebach was eventually restrained and placed in a police car, but beat his head against the cage and ripped off the door handle, all the while threatening the officers.

Officers used a Taser on Schwebach, but it apparently had no effect. The complaint says he pulled the Taser probe out of his chest and smiled and kept saying, “Shoot him.” Officers brought him to Northfield Hospital to subdue him but standard medicine didn’t work. A shot of stronger medicine worked and he was secured to a hospital bed.

So he was drinking heavily (generally prohibited by probation) and cut off his monitoring bracelet (no doubt on that one being a no-no!). He assaulted his girlfriend, and carries a knife (depends on the laws and the terms of the probation if this is a legal factor…but it does point out the lethality. Anybody can get a knife, or a rock, or a club etc to get a force multiplier).

He eventually catches back up with his girlfriend, and thankfully she had a locked door, and the police arrived in time, but the police threw everything less-lethal under the sun at this creep with little luck.

BTW can you imagine if you happened upon this scene before the Po-Po arrived? You think you’re safe just because you’re not this monster’s girlfriend? Also what was he up to in the time where he was under the radar?

Carry your damn guns people! There are monsters about, and in many cases the cage doors have been left open!

h/t Maddmedic

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0 Responses to A Nightmare

  1. 45er says:

    I think someone should have taken the advice of the bad guy in this one.

  2. Jake says:

    And yet another example of why the Taser is not a good choice for a self-defense weapon. One shot, and if it doesn’t work, you’re dead.

  3. maddmedic says:

    You must remember this is a nice quiet (2) college(liberal arts) town I live and worked in….
    I probably dealt with this scumbag at some time in the past..he looks all to familiar…probably had to “check” him after he “fell” while being apprehended or something..

  4. Critter says:

    the tazer loses it’s effectiveness when a person has ingested enough alcohol. the GF said “a half a bottle of alcohol”, what kind is not said. if it was whiskey then he’s pretty tazer-proof. tazers and tear gas are less lethal devices that work pretty well on most people, but…you never know when you run up on the one they Don’t work on.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah I’m guessing its something 80 proof or better…and no idea what SIZE! Back in my College days my buddy and I used to be able to finish a fifth of gin between the two of us. We weren’t lightweights, but we didn’t have iron livers either. Now kickin’ back half a handle of booze will ring somebody’s bell!

      Also who knows where he disappeared to. Knowing this dude’s moral fortitude, it wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t score some crank, crack, or Bump to keep him sharp while drunk, and on the lam!

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