A Real Hero!

Roadkill sent me this amazing story!

Good Samaritans are undoubtedly the reason three children who were trapped in a car submerged in the Logan River are alive to experience the New Year.

Around 12:30 p.m. a 46-year-old man driving a Honda Accord in Logan Canyon braked to avoid another crash on the snowy, slick road. The car slid down a 10-foot embankment and overturned in the river, according to Utah Highway patrol. The driver was able to free himself, but his 9-year-old daughter, 4-year-old son and a 9-year-old friend were trapped.

Enter the good Samaritans.

Willden tried to open a window or door, but neither would budge. So he took out his handgun and shot out a window. By that time, other men had arrived and they all worked to prop up the car while others grabbed for the kids.

One of the girls had found an air pocket and was breathing fine, but couldn’t free herself from her seat belt so Willden cut it with a knife and pulled her from the rear passenger window. The other girl and boy were “grey” he said, and his heart sank…”I put my fingers on his neck and I couldn’t feel a pulse — even a faint pulse,” Mullahkel said. That’s when another man at the scene ran over and began CPR…The two girls suffered hypothermia, but all three are expected to make a full recovery.

Three lives saved by a gun, a knife, and knowledge of CPR. Tools nobody should be without.

Amazing story!

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0 Responses to A Real Hero!

  1. Lokidude says:

    Welcome to Utah. Men have tools here. So do a lot of women. We also have a habit of helping our fellow men. (Not a Utah thing so much as a “western” thing.) I know the area where this crash occurred very well. Help is half an hour off on a good day. Places like that are the norm, not the exception. These gentlemen would tell you they were just doing what anyone else would do.

    Which actually refreshes my faith in humanity and this country.

  2. mike w. says:

    Funny, I heard this story on the news and heard no mention of the rescuers using a gun. Not suprising, since that doesn’t fit The Narrative.

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